Thursday, June 2, 2011

"I'm the Mommy. You are Collin"

Bed time continues to be a long process.  Tonight was no exception.  After his bath, he wanted to play hide and seek with Mimi and I because he was still wound up from the day.  At one point, he hid in his closet and wanted us to find him.  I turned the lights off thinking he would get scared and want to come out.  That did not work.  He sat in the closet and did not say a word.  I turned the light back on and Mimi opened the closet.  He said, "I'm not scared of the dark!  Shut the doors and try to find me."  I could tell it was going to take awhile to calm him down enough to go to bed and fall asleep. 

We finally got him out of the closet and then he said, "I'm the Mommy and you're Collin."  He took a blanket from the end of his bed and laid on the pillow on the floor like I do sometimes.  If he fell asleep this way, I was OK with playing this game.  It was working fine until he had to get up to go potty.  He turned the light on when he came back into the room and started talking.  I could tell that he was not sleepy and wanted to play some more in the role reversal we were currently in.  After 20 minutes, I gave up and had Daddy come help me.  This was an hour after Collin got out of the bath.  He is still awake but at least settled down.

I do applaud him for his creativity....but during the day would be better.

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