Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eating and Reading before Bed?

Collin is now used to me letting him know the number of books he can pick out to read before he goes to bed. Most of the time, I tell him 4 or 5 books depending on what time it is or how tired I think he is. I tell him more if I think it's going to take longer for him to wind down. Tonight, he picked out his books, put them on my lap and told me that he picked 5 books and then counted them, 1,2,3,4,5. I had not told him a number yet but was happy to see that he made this decision for himself.

The last book I read to him involved him acting out what the animals in the book were doing. For instance, it said something like "The penguin can move his head, can you do it?" Collin usually does what the animal is doing. Not tonight. He replied "my mouth is full of food so I cannot do it". Huh? What does that have to do with not being able to move his head. I read the next page with the next animal move. He had the exact same response. This went on for the entire book. I guess what he really meant was "I don't feel like doing it Mommy....and don't have to"

Monday, June 28, 2010

"There's a Bug!"

Tonight, Collin found a small bug in the master bath area. He told me to get a tissue and to put it in the potty. I guess he has seen this done before so I did not think it was an unusual request. As I was scooping up the bug with a tissue, he announced "put it in the potty so I can pee pee on it". Now, I am sure that the person he saw pick up a bug like this before and put it in the potty did NOT then turn around and pee on it. I did put the bug in the potty and stood back to see what Collin would do. He walked up to the potty, checked the bug out and said "his legs are moving". He then pulled his pants down and peed on the poor bug. He laughed at the end and said "I got him!" That's a boy for you!

Potty Training Update #?....35?

Collin is doing fantastic with potty training when it comes to peeing during the day. There will be times that I will be in the kitchen or another room of the house. He will announce that he has to pee or potty, get up from where he is and then go to the potty by himself. We are working on him keeping himself dry at night. We do limit when he drinks at night and make him go potty before he goes to bed. Sometimes, after we read books, he will announce that he needs to go and then go to the bathroom next to his bedroom. I do show him that the night light is on for him and the potty is ready to go. He just needs to get up when he thinks he needs to go. Well, most mornings, his pull-up diaper is either really full or at least does have some pee in it. The teacher says that we need to let him wear underwear at night and he will learn to go to the potty in the middle of the night if he has to. Ugh.....we are not really to do this one yet.

As far as poop in the potty, there is no change. He goes in his underwear instead of the potty. This is even after attempting to go for about an hour......remember, that is, he in a panic announces that he has to poop, we run to the potty, and then he says that he does not need to anymore. As soon as we are back in the hallway or at least out of the potty area, he says that he has to go and starts to cry. I have tried putting him on the potty, but he will not sit and is straight-legged when I hold him up to put him on there myself. Like I said, this can go on for 30 minutes to even 4 hours or more. It usually ends up with him pooping in his underwear.

I have heard that if the he had to clean it up, then he would not do it anymore. I REALLY did not want to clean up after his attempts to clean himself up but was ready for a change of what we are doing right now.....which ends with the same result anyway. So, starting last Tuesday night, Collin did the same thing and then eventually did poop in his pants. Daddy and I let him stand there in his poopy underwear so he could feel how yucky it was and not like it. I told him that this is what it feels like when he does poop in his pants. Did he like it? He said "no". He must have stood there for 20 minutes until we walked to his bathroom. I pulled out a pad, put it on the floor for Collin to sit or stand on. I handed him some wipes and told him that he had to clean himself up. I did show him in the mirror where all of the poop was. I could tell that he really did not like being dirty like this and even asked me to clean it. When I told him he way, he started to cry and asked for me to help. Ugh....this was REALLY hard not to help. If I was going to try this, I needed to be fully committed. He did eventually clean himself up the best that he could in about 10 minutes. He then took a bath.

Did it work? He has done this two more times with me and the same result. He is still pooping in his pants. Having to clean himself up has not made a difference. Now what?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Juan's Birthday Party

Today was another birthday celebration for a buddy at from Collin's school, Juan, who turned three. Juan is a name we hear a lot when we ask what Collin did at school.....either good or bad, at least according to Collin. For instance, "what did you do at school today Collin?" He will mention something about the time-out chair and I will ask what happened. "Juanito hit me". Hmmm....did Collin hit Juanito? Who really knows at this age. The foursome (see an older post) is Nicho, Collin, Juanito and Benjamin. I am sure they keep the teacher busy during the day.

The party was held at the local Gymboree. Daddy was able to join us for the celebration and gladly participated in the activities that they had planned. At first, Collin wanted to cling to us until the music started and all of the other kids gathered on the mat to dance. He then started to have a great time. He really liked:

  • Jumping on the top of a padded rolled log looking thing...technical term, I know (see the video)

  • The parachute and popping the bubbles on the parachute (picture did not turn out great but you can see the smile and tell how much fun he was having)

  • Getting pulled along in the parachute to "Wheels on the Bus".

  • Popping out of a padded box and saying "boo" to scare the other kids (see the video). Remember, Collin and I do this all of the time....hiding and saying "boo" to each other. He usually starts it.

  • Being pulled along in a cart and acting like it was a train. Collin and Juan kept saying "choo choo" and laughed and giggled. They wore the mommy out because they wanted to "go around again".

Then, it was time for hot dogs and cake. Collin only ate the bun and had 2 juice boxes. No surprise there. The only time I have seen him eat cake it at his own birthday parties....and he did not even finish these. I was surprised that he did not at least want a bite of the hot dog.

He did have a great time. I am sure they will have something to talk about at school tomorrow.

Morning Hike with Friends

This morning, Melia and her mom came over to hike with Collin and I in the bird sanctuary. We spent about an hour looking for the frogs, turtles and bugs. The bull frogs were out and croaking REALLY loud. Melia thought they were cows by the sound they were making. I found one of the several that were croaking. Just at that time, a bunny hopped out from the woods onto the path we were on. Both Melia and Collin started to walk towards the bunny that then hopped back to the edge of the woods. We asked what the bunny was doing and they both replied that he was looking for food. Melia specifically said he was looking for carrots. Friends thinking alike. We then walked further so we could show our friends our favorite resting spot. Because of the recent rains, the creek was really moving....enough to have white caps.

On the way back, Melia found some doodle bugs. They both had to investigate the bugs. Collin would cover them up with leaves and Melia would have to find them again. We started waking again and Melia let out a shout because she saw a BIG bug. We ran over to see it. Collin saw it and promptly stepped on it to squish it. He thought he was taking care of "his girl". She was not sure how to react to this....did she want the bug to go splat?

We were all getting sweaty so we headed back to the house for a snack of strawberries, blueberries and a banana. What a great way to start the morning.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Too hot out

It's close to 100 degrees today and might rain. What to do with a toddler in the house? I looked through my craft basket and found some old helium balloons. I blew a few up and Collin started to throw them in the air and then hit them with his hands. They were a little old so a few popped right away. He thought this was hilarious and wanted me to blow up some more. What a great time. It's fun being a kid.

Save it for Later

Collin has been eating some big meals lately but not consistently. This morning, he ate two waffles which usually keeps him full. Right after the waffles, he asked for cereal. I knew not to pour him a big bowl thinking he might not be as hungry for this as he thought he was. He ate more than half the bowl and then told me that he wanted to save it for later. I was still eating my waffles when Collin got up, opened the drawer where I keep my containers and lids, came back to the table with a container and said, "let's put it in here for later". Hahahaha.....he is very observant and must see me use these containers many times to keep food, as he called it, "for later".

He is now watching.......come on.....of course....Mickey Mouse Pink.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Collin continues to be obsessed with watching Mickey Mouse. Here are some examples:
  • In the morning, he does sometimes say good morning before ordering cereal and to watch Mickey Mouse
  • My new car has a DVD player in it. For long trips, I have bought or put in my car a few DVDs for Collin to watch. I knew once I showed him what those screens do in the back seat, he would request to watch it every time we get in the car. The first movie we played was "Shrek" so now he asks for Shrek and the donkey. I also did buy a cheap Mickey Mouse DVD. Once he watched this one, it was not left in my car. He wanted it in the house and this is the one he requests over and over again. He refers to it as Mickey Mouse Pink because the coloring in the DVD is really off. The red shows up as pink....and there is a lot of pink in this video. He does not care though.
  • During the week, Mickey Mouse does come on about the time he is eating his breakfast so he is able to watch the one that is playing on the TV. If he gets up earlier that morning, Daddy will tell him that Mickey Mouse is on in 20 minutes if Collin asks to watch it now. On the weekends, Mickey Mouse is on a little later. He will ask to watch it and then say "it's on in 20 minutes" no matter when it's really on. Most of the time, it really IS on in 20 minutes so I think this is funny.
  • He does continue to sleep with Mickey or Mickey is at least in his room. Mickey has yet to replace Monkey. Somehow, I don't think ANYTHING will replace Monkey

Collin's birthday is coming up. Most of his buddies have had a Thomas the Train theme. Collin likes to play with trains and cars. However, I am thinking I will have a Mickey Mouse party for him this year.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bed time update

Collin has been listening to two books at night that he requests every night now. One is the Hungry Caterpillar and the other is Puff, the Magic Dragon. He usually sits next to me to listen while the CD is playing. I tell him "ding" so he knows when to turn the page since neither CD does this. I will then read a few other books, or as Collin calls it, I talk to the books. He will pick out a book and then tell me to talk to it instead of saying read it.

Tonight, he brought the book over to his bed and laid across his pillows to listen to the book. He did not know that he posed perfectly for a picture that I planned to send Daddy since he is out of town right now. Collin must have been enjoying the book because I was shocked he did not want to see the pictures like he usually does.

After reading, I turn out the lights, turn on a music CD and turn down his lamp light so that there is a faint glow. Then I sit next to his bed and sing him a few songs. His favorites are: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bingo the Dog, and the song Mimi wrote for him. Then, I give him a kiss and tell him that I love him, sleep tight and that I will see him in the morning. In return, he will kiss me, tell me "see you at night" (which I think means sleep tight) and then sometimes tell me "go to your room" before he rolls over to go to sleep.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We started Father's Day morning with homemade French toasted as requested by Daddy. Since it was Father's Day, Collin got to have confectioners sugar on his toast for the first time. Since he is in the "I want to do it" stage, he had to pour this himself. Since Mommy is smart, she gave him a spoon already filled with the amount of the sugar she wanted him to have and then gave it to him to pour were he wanted.

After breakfast, we went grocery shopping as a family. Collin chose the red car cart, again. This time, he brought his glasses he got yesterday from Melia's birthday party and wore them while he was driving. He got some looks, laughs and LOTS of attention.

After resting back and watching Shrek (he LOVES "Donkey and Shrek" which is how he refers to the movie), we went to the Astros game. Collin lasted a lot longer than we thought he would (5 innings this time). He liked watching the batter and clapping with the Astros did a good job. He ate a slice of my pizza, some of Daddy's chips and 1/2 of both of our drinks. Even though he drank a lot, he did a good job of letting us know when he had to go potty...even on the way to Mimi and Pappy's house, we pulled over because he needed to go. Once he saw the mascot walking around, he lost focus on the game and could only focus and talk about where the "bunny" (the mascot) went. He is REALLY afraid of these things (Chuck E Cheese is NOT his friend). He wanted to go because he did not want the bunny to get him. We talked him into one more inning but he really wanted to go so we left.

After the game, we went to see Pappy to wish him a happy father's day. Collin played inside a little until I went in the backyard to look at some of Mimi's garage sale finds. I did find a few things I wanted to take back to our so so Collin helped me clean them up with the water hose. He found a bat a ball and wanted me to throw the ball to him. I threw it about 15 times and he hit it twice. He had a decent swing and follows through most of the time. It was getting hot so we went back inside to say "bye".

We ate at Pei Wei on the way home. Collin practiced using his chop sticks. He knew what they were when I took them out of the paper. He did a decent job with his Lo Mein noodles but was not really hungry (tummy was still probably full of too much liquid). After we got home, Collin and I played "hoops" in the backyard until Daddy came out in is bathing suit. Great idea Daddy!!! We decided to join him in the 92 degree water (it got up to 100 degrees today...yeah summer). The swim felt great and we had fun splashing each other. We got out, cleaned up and Daddy and Collin relaxed while watching a Mickey Mouse movie. Even after a long day, Collin still fought to go to bed.

I think Daddy had a great day today. We love spending Sunday's together. Happy Father's day Chris!

What a Trooper!!!

Collin was a trooper yesterday. We had THREE birthday parties to go to. Two of them were for his friends that were turning 3 and the last one was for our friend that was turning 30...what a pup! He hung and had a great time at all three places without even having a nap in between. He was even the last kid to leave the last party (we left after 9:30pm).
The first party was mid-morning for Jacob who is a friend from school. We have played with him before on the weekends (Jacob is the reason Collin liked wearing his Superman cape around the house). When we arrived, the kids were in the backyard already playing with the water slide Jacob's mom got him. Collin was not interested and told me he was scared. We sat and watched the other kids on the slide until Collin was ready to try it himself. Once he tried it, he played on it most of the time we were there. He was even the last kid to sit at the table for lunch because he was having so much fun. At one point, he slid into the mud pit that the water slide had created. Besides the mud in his eyes which he wanted me to wipe off, he kept on going. Here he is on the slide.

A few pictures of lunch, cake and more fun.

We left Jacob's party to go home and take a nap, or so I thought. Collin already knew that we were going to Melia's house too for her party. When we got in the car, that's where he asked to go. I figured he would forget about this or at least fall asleep by the time we got home. He did neither. I still made him rest before heading to Melia's because I knew he had really only started his day.

We arrived to Melia's party late so the kids were already in the pool. Again, Collin was not interested in joining in until he had taken time to scope out the place and she who was there. Only then, did he get in the water. He chose to get in the spa section of the pool were no one else was. It did not take long for most of the other girls to join him. He was like a king....and did not even know it. Olivia, Rachel, Melia and another little girl joined him. Just like a boy, he started to splash, I mean flirt, with them. They did not like this so they started to splash back. After swimming about an hour, it was cake time again. Collin did not like this cake or the one at Jacob's party. He is like his Mommy in this area. We both prefer chips and dip over sweets any day. He got back in the pool a little before I told him we had to go. I got him dressed and he discovered Melia's little kitchen. He told me "I need to cook you some spaghetti in the microwave" so I could not make him leave after that. However, the spaghetti was taking way too long so we left anyway after telling everyone by.

We came home for the second shower of the day before Daddy met us to then leave for the last party of the day. We went to Angy and Jim's birthday party. Angy is a friend from the bike shop. She and I would cycle on the weekend for hours and hours. There was no way we could miss this party even though we might have been tired. There were a bunch of toddler boys there so Collin had a blast. He did spend most of the time watching the older boys throw the Frisbee outside or play the Wii inside. Collin found a Wii remote that was not being used and pretended to play the game. Both Daddy and I managed to get him to eat something since he had not really eaten most of the day. Then his buddy Ryan, who works at the bike shop, started to play with him. Collin started to get fussy so we knew it was time to go since we probably had pushed it already anyway. I had changed him into PJs hoping he would fall asleep in the car, which he didn't.

What a trooper he was. It did take him a little to wind down after we got home but he was in bed before 10pm. Collin is blessed to have so many friends.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cheater Chop Sticks

Daddy was hungry for sushi last night so Collin and I met him at a local sushi place. Collin had just had some dinner so I did not expect him to be hungry. I ordered seaweed salad and Daddy had Miso soup. Collin actually ate at least five bites of my salad....probably because I used my chop sticks to feed him the salad. He acted hungry so we got him some french fries. Since we were at a sushi place, he did not use his fingers to eat the fries......he used chop sticks. He did a great job with them. After picking up the fry, he was able to dip it in the ketchup before putting it into his mouth. He only dropped one fry and it did not have ketchup on it yet. Way to go Collin!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Don't Talk to Me!"

Collin has been telling us "don't talk to me", "I am not talking to you right now" or "I'm not talking right now" when he is not interested in listening to what we have to say. I don't know if he learned this from a buddy at school or if he thought of this himself.

For instance, on the way to school, Collin told Daddy after Daddy was asking him some questions, "I am not talking right now". Daddy just turned the music up and did not talk to him the rest of the way to school until Collin was ready to talk again. What a brat! Then, tonight, I was getting Collin ready to go to bed. He was mad that I got him out of the bath after being in there over 30 minutes. He quit crying enough to yell at me, "Don't talk to me" when I told him to quit crying. I let him know that was not nice to tell me, Daddy, Mimi or his teachers that. This did not make him happy.

It's this a glimpse of what living with a 3-year old will be like?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let's Run Mommy

Tonight, the family met others at the park to either go for a run or a walk. I ran with a few people while Daddy and Collin (in a stroller) ran behind us. We all met back up at the park after the 2 miles was over. Collin wanted out of the stroller so he could go running too. I thought he might wear himself out after running for a few minutes.....plus, he might go to bed earlier tonight. I got him out of the stroller and told him to start running......and he did. He is not a straight runner at all. He would run on one side and then the other of the trail. At one point, he just stopped. Other times, he cut me off.....or almost some other people using the trail. This went on for at least another 30 minutes. I stopped and he wanted me to keep running.

We eventually ran upon some people feeding the ducks, fish and turtles some bread. The little girl walked over to Collin and gave him a piece of bread to throw.....which is what he did. Instead of pulling pieces off the bread, he threw the entire piece of bread over the fence. She looked at him with a look of "why did you just do that?" and the gave him another piece of bread. I pulled off little pieces and gave them to him to throw.

After that bread was finished, he wanted to start running again. We ran for another 10 minutes before he stopped to play on the playground. It was time to go when he pooped in his underwear. I was getting hungry anyway. It's fun to change poopy underwear in a hot, humid park restroom when you are hungry. Making memories, right?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Superman to the rescue

Daddy was putting together the new patio furniture in the living room. Collin came to me while I was in the kitchen putting the groceries away and asked if I could help him put his Superman cape on. From what I understand, this might be Uncle Dustin's cape from when he was a little boy. Collin likes his capes now that he played with them last weekend with Jacob. Anyway, I walked into the living room about 10 minutes later and saw Collin helping Daddy screw in one of the screws to the patio furniture. He LOVES to play with his tools and REALLY likes it when he thinks he is helping out. Can't you see the concentration on his face?
Oh, that's Reindeer and Big Monkey in the background giving him pointers. He loves these guys and moves them from room to room so they can be part of what he is doing. Both of them sleep in bed with him at night too. Glad he is in his big boy bed or he would not have room for all of his friends. His original Monkey is still his best pal. He still wants that one over any of his other pals....and he still rubs the tag like he did when he was a younger. He does this to relax him....and he usually falls asleep just a few minutes later.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Annual Family Reunion

Collin had a great time playing with his cousins at the family reunion today. At first, he was a little shy and wanted me to hold him....this was also because of the two huge dogs that were on the front porch when we arrived. He told me were they were laying every 5 minutes. I knew he was tracking them and I could not put him back down until they were gone. Collin had fun with the water gun shooting his great uncle Dave and the other kids. He was using the water from the coolers on the porch so the unsuspecting "victim" of his water gun was in for a surprise. At one time, he was two-gun-wielding toddler. He then blew bubbles with the other kids for a few minutes. After a snack, he hung out inside in the A/C...smart little man.

He did spend some time on the swing set outside with Timmy. He slid down the slide some but mainly swung on the swing. He even began to learn how to keep the swing going. He also learned that he needed to hold onto the chains of the swing because he did end up falling out. He did cry but because he was scared....more than getting hurt.

After lunch was the annual water balloon fight. This time, the big kids separated from the little kids. At first, Collin stood there with his balloon and watched what the other kids were doing. Then, he figured out that he had to throw the balloon....but did not aim it at anyone. He did finally figure it out but there were only a few balloons left out of the 400 they started with.

He had a great time and slept most of the way home. He only woke up enough to come in the house and he is now continuing his nap on the couch. Cousins are so much fun!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Collin's thoughts about the landscaping

We are landscaping in the back and front of our house now that the pool is in and the dead tree is down in the back. We drove up to our house this evening and Collin asked what happened to the yard. I told him that the people pulled out the dead, old plants and were going to put new ones back in. He wanted to run to the backyard to see what they did back there. When we opened the gate, he immediately saw that his slide was moved from the middle of the dirt pile. He did not see it when he first walked by and asked where it was. I showed him that it was moved and then headed to the back of the yard to take pictures. He followed. As I was taking pictures of one side, I heard a water noise. Here is the picture I was taking when I heard the noise....

....and here is what Collin was doing. That's my boy!! Do you think he likes the new landscaping?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Hair Cut

After Collin was sweaty, once again playing outside with Daddy, we decided it was time for his summer cut. Instead of chopping his hair short like we did last year, I thought it best to have a "transition" cut before cutting really short, if we do decide to do it again this summer. Collin let me use the hair trimmer and sat still for at least 10 minutes. I was really proud of him.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another day, same helmet

The first thing Collin did this morning after giving me a kiss and telling me "good morning Mommy", he looked around the living room for his helmet, put it on and ordered (yes, he is a toddler, remember) me to put Mickey Mouse on the TV. He then asked for milk so that he was set to watch his favorite cartoon. He had Monkey, Milk and, now, the new addition in his life...his helmet. He wore it until we got into the car to get breakfast and then the grocery store. I thought for sure he would want to wear it while we were shopping for groceries but he did not want to. When I was getting him out of the car, he asked me to put his helmet in the front seat. Really? I was fine with that.....no one would be staring at us and wondering what happened that he has to wear his helmet.....or that I was a WAY too overprotective mom. When we were checking out, a lady behind us said he was spoiled because I was letting him pay for the groceries. Is she kidding? I was teaching him that we have to pay for things and also cannot have whatever we want. She did get "the look" from me. That was enough.....I was not going to let her spoil our day.

While in the store, Collin noticed a teenage boy with his pants hanging off his bottom and his boxers hanging out. He asked me and then asked the boy "why are his pants like that?" The boy did not answer but I looked at him as said "well, it is a good question from a little kid". Collin did not understand this fashion either.

Daddy came home to get some rest before Steph's birthday party. We dropped Collin off and went to an art studio to learn to pant a particular picture. We had a great time and learned that it was not as hard as it sounds. Here we are with our paintings:

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Buddies at the Children's Festival

We met Jacob and his mom, Susan, at their house this morning. We piled into one car and headed downtown to the Children's Festival. Collin and I went last year and he had a great time. I knew it was going to be a hot one so I was glad we headed out early. The guys seemed to have a good time. The first stop was at the guy making animals out of balloons. Jake wanted a dragon and Collin wanted a horse (really? a horse? I don't hear him talking about horses much). Next, we stopped to pet the snake. Collin was nervous at first but then stood there petting the snake the longest. Next, the boys played at the toddler batting cage. Collin did really well. He hit it straight at it hit the back of the net every time. They both wanted to ride in the boat on the bayou but the tickets were sold out. We thought we make them happy by saying the boat was not working anymore until Collin stood there waiting for it. When he spotted it, he became this toddler with an attitude. I finally had to pick him up because he was not going to come with me. We then sat and watched two performances while the boys ate a sucker. It was getting time to eat lunch and just too hot outside so we left. Both times we past the urinals, Collin wanted to go inside because he knew there was a urinal in there. He loves using these....and he actually had to go.
The boys were a little rowdy at lunch so it was hard for the mommies to enjoy their meal. We knew it was because they were tired. We were in the car about 5 minutes before Collin fell asleep and 10 minutes for Jake. Collin woke up when I transferred him to my car and did not fall asleep in the car or when we got home. Darn! He did not even go to bed early. I bet he will be tired tomorrow.

Helmet Hair

Yesterday, Collin found his bicycle helmet in the garage. I was surprised that he even wanted to get close to it because he bawled his head off the last time we made him wear it. He must have forgotten about this because he wanted to wear it around the house. This morning, he wore it to breakfast, in his car seat on the way to see his friend Jacob, on the way back, during rest time on the couch....basically all day today. I thought he would have gotten tired of it because it was making his hair so sweaty. That did not bother him. He did take the helmet off a few times so he could show me where the "dang critter ate it". This is what Daddy told him when Collin showed him were there were animal marks on it. The "dang critter" was an opossum that was stuck in our garage for almost a month. The helmet was just a few things he chewed on.

Here are a few pictures that Collin will wish we did not have of him when he gets older. At least he thinks safety is important.

......and the one he will really want me to not find when he is older......

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pull My Finger

Last night when I was bathing Collin, he stuck his thumb out at me and said, "Mommy, pull my finger". I have not heard him say this before but guessed what would happen when I did pull his "finger" (thumb in this case). I did pull, he made a sound with his mouth and then laughed. I did not say anything but was dying laughing inside. I knew where he got this from. Lately, Daddy has been doing this to Collin but burping when Collin pulled his finger. Great skill you have taught him Daddy! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The four troublemakers

Here is Collin and three of his buddies at school: Andrew, Nicho and Juanito. Benjamin is his other bud that was not there yesterday when Daddy took this picture.
We don't hear too much about Andrew but we do about Nicho and Juanito. The other day, Collin showed me a scratch on his middle finger. I asked what happened and he told me that Juanito bit him. Really? It sure did not look like I bit mark....just a little scratch. He loves to tell on Nicho when he gets home. Sometimes, he will put his thumb in his mouth to suck it (which he does not do) and then say "Nicho does this" and then laugh. He probably sees that Nicho gets told to not do it and does it anyway.

Also, notice Collin's right foot. He does this when he thinks he is being cute or getting his picture taken. A few posts ago about it being hot outside and him getting a drink at the bike shop, he was standing this way. I notice I do this and so does Mimi. I guess he cannot help it. :)