Monday, June 13, 2011

Dinner and Playing Ball

Tonight, Daddy had a great idea of having dinner outside at a local restaurant that overlooked a play area so Collin could play after dinner. He ate very little before he asked I'd he could play. Instead of playing right away, he sat at the corner of the okay area to watch the other kids play. I guess he was trying to figure out who he wanted to play with. A little girl about his age walked up to him while he was sitting down and started tslksimg to him. They then played with the ball that he brought with him. They threw it some and then played keep-away. They played for about 20 minutes until her food arrived. He wanted to sit with her but we said she had to eat first. Instead of getting upset, he walked back to the play area to ask other kids if they wanted to play with him. They were several years older and just ignored him. I was glad to see that he did not cry about this but, instead started throwing the ball up into the air by himself. He did not have to wait long before another little boy about his age wanted to play. They played some before Collin said, "I need to rest" and then sat down ro have a drink. The little girl finished eating by now and was ready to play again. He did not initially want to play with the boy now that the girl was ready to play. I did interfer and said he could p,ay with both of his new friends. They played until she had to go home. We left shortly after that.

Collin was read for a bath when we got home. He bathed for a short time and was ready to read books. Instead of much discussion about goong to sleep, he feel asleep in 10 minutes.....and has been snoring loudly ever since.

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