Thursday, March 31, 2011

Donuts = an alarm in the morning?

Most mornings, Daddy opens Collin's bedroom door several minutes before Collin really needs to get up and then Daddy goes into the living room to watch TV.  The noise from the living room generally wakes Collin up and he eventually joins Daddy in the living room.....with a request to either turn the lights off or what he wants for breakfast.  Yesterday morning, I was still at home to witness this morning routine.  Daddy was in Collin's room rubbing Collin's back and Collin told Daddy to stop.....hmmmmm, It was going to talk Collin a little longer to get up I thought to myself.  Daddy stood up and said, "We are going to have donuts for breakfast".  If I was not there, I would not have believed it.  Collin sat up in bed, said "donuts?", and then climbed out of bed, left his room and almost skipped down the hall to the living room.  Guess he wanted donuts for breakfast. 

That was WAY too easy.  I will have to try that one. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"You'll Get Married!"

Having children sure does bring back memories of when I was a kid.  Collin does not want to step on any cracks on the ground either inside or outside.  This can increase the time it takes to walk from the car to a building or even in the house when he is walking on the tile.  While he is trying to not step on the cracks, he says "if you do, you'll get married!".  First, I thought it was "you'll break your Momma's back" and second, what's wrong with getting married?  I asked him "what's wrong with getting married" and he said that he does not want to do that...and continued to walk so that he would not step on a crack.  I guess it's better than breaking MY back.  :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Gymnist Went to School

After a day of rest at the house yesterday, Collin did not have a fever and feels better enough to go to school this morning.  I will pick him up and hopefully take him to TKD (short for Tae Kwon Do....thanks to Monica for using it when she talks about Lizzie's TKD class) and swimming for Mommy because I did not get to go this week yet.

Yesterday, Daddy and Mimi watched Collin at the house.  Here is Mimi's recap of the day:

Collin woke up early around 6 a.m., napped from 1:40 on sofa until around 3:30 and went to bed very early around 8 p.m. He did not seem to have temperature during the day and did not appear to be ill. On the sofa for a nap, he fell asleep with a candy ring in his mouth while watching TV. I turned TV to soft classical music for the afternoon. A little before Chris came home, Collin woke up disturbed about something so I gave him monkey and he went back to sleep. At first, I thought he wanted the candy ring or cartoons back on. Chris said at end of his nap, Collin woke up crying. Collin asked if Mimi went home and was surprised to learn from Chris that Mimi works at the bike shop (I had earlier told him that Dad, Mom and I take turns taking care of him). Collin said he needed his Mimi.

Collin had donuts for breakfast, 3 eggs and half piece of bread for lunch, 3/4 small box of raisins for snack and little bit of banana and applesauce for dinner. Dinner and most meals I've seen contains cheese slices. Collin insisted on cracking the eggs on his stool near sink area. He stirred the eggs and I poured them into the skillet. Collin asked for bread to push around the eggs or put egg on the bread. Collin asked me to squirt ketchup on his eggs which I did. Collin ate some of the banana while laying on the floor. He giggled when the peeling flapped into his face. Most of the day Collin drew with colors at his table in the office, watched landscapers or looked at computer of pictures of him and focused on video of waterpark large bucket overturning on him and Chris. Collin drew a large circle for sun and small triangles.  

Collin's usual bedtime routine is bath, brush teeth, put on PJs and read books but around 8 p.m., Collin headed to his bed for "5 minutes" he said.  Collin told me to bring my computer and stay with him.  I knew what he meant by this as Laura had told me yesterday early evening she stayed in his room for about 3 hrs while working on her computer.  Tonight, after Laura went to tend to Collin who woke up after I left the room, she said Collin asked why everyone leaves him.  He said this because no one stays in his room after he goes to sleep in his bed.

He woke up several additional times so I ended up sleeping on the floor next to his bed for about an hour.  I went to my bed after that.  He woke up at 4:30am and was ready to talk about his day and say prayers "because we forgot to say prayers last night Mommy".  Really Collin, you want to talk and hang out at 4:30am?  I convinced him it was not time to get up because it was still dark outside.  I am so thankful that this "trick" still works.  He crawled in bed but did not go to sleep for at least 45 minutes.  He got up to potty, needed different covers, wanted a drink.....I know it was him thinking of anything he could to keep me there.  I crawled back into my bed 10 minutes before the alarm went off for me to start my day.  Should be a good one!  ;)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sick Gymnist

I picked up Collin early from school today to go to gymnastics.  The kids were eating a birthday cupcake but Collin was not.  Ms. Arlena said he did not want any.  I did not think that was too unusual because he typically does not like cupcakes.  When he saw me, he did not run to me like he usually does.  He walked slowly over to my whimpering.  I asked him what was wrong and he said that he wanted to sleep at his house for 2 minutes (while holding up 2 fingers to show me how many 2 minutes was).  I told him that I was picking him up to take him to gymnastics and he said that he wanted to sleep first. Did he have a nap today?  He said he did. 

I drove to gymnastics anyway thinking he might want to go inside and sit for a little while.  He did not want to get out of the car but wanted to rest on my lap instead.  We were about 10 minutes early so we sat in the car during this time to see if he felt any better.  He did not so I drove home.  He did not fall asleep on the way home but looked like he was about to.

Instead of laying on the couch to watch a movie like he usually does, he wanted Monkey and to lay in his bed.  He told me to "get your computer and then sit in the chair in my room".  I thought that was a good idea because I wanted to be there in case he "choaked".  I am glad my computer has a batter that lasts over 3 hours.  I am writing this after he has already been asleep 3 1/2 hours.  He has moved around during this time and did get up to go potty (proud Mommy moment there).  Each time he has woken up briefly, he has been whimpering which tells me he does not feel any better.  He is not as hot as he was so the sleep is helping him.

Prediction:  LONG night because he will get up early.  Let's hope not since I was at work by 6:30am today.

Just for Grins

Collin continues to insert "potty words" whenever he needs attention.  Last night, Mimi was over to help because Daddy had jury duty.  I came home after spin class to help Mimi get Collin to calm down a little and move towards getting into bed.  While I was making sure that his "crew" (all of his favorite stuffed animals) were in his bed, I heard him counting with Mimi.  Tonight though, he was counting differently.  I heard him saying "1..2..3..4..FART!"  After laughing hard, he would repeat this.  Mimi thought it was funny (I did too) but I did let Collin know that was not the right way to count and that he could not say fart anymore tonight. 

I have tried telling him that saying "fart" is only appropriate when he does actually fart.  Well, that does not work either because 1) he farts a lot! and 2) he figured out that when he laughs, he, he will try to make himself fart by laughing. 

I guess boys will be boys.  I sure do love mine.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Collin is still sleeping in Pull Up diapers at night.  He sleeps so hard that he does not get up in the middle of the night to go potty if he needs to.  We have tried to limit the liquid he drinks in the evenings and that has not helped.  However, in the last few weeks, we have noticed that at least 2 - 3 days a week, he does wake up with a dry diaper compared to a heavy, soaked one everyday.  To help with him having a dry diaper, we don't want him to have a sippie cup with him in his room at night either.  He had a bad cough a few weeks back and we let him have water to drink to help him with his dry cough.  Now, he asks for one almost every night.  There have been several nights that I tell him I will go get one and he falls asleep before I get back because I purposely take my time to get back to him. 

Sometimes, I do get "caught" not coming back.  He gets out of bed and comes to the living to tell me "I told you that I wanted some water".  I am usually working on the computer or even typing a post to his blog when I am "caught".  Tonight, he asked for water but I knew he was TIRED from me wearing his butt out at an indoor jumping place (that was the whole idea!) so I was really hoping he had fallen asleep.  I wanted a snack and had just popped some popcorn and sat down on the couch with the computer.  He did come out and said "I told Mommy that I wanted some water and she did not come back!".  I brought the water to him and he said "Don't eat all of the popcorn because I want to share some with you".  I said that he could not eat it now and he said "well, then I can eat it later with you tomorrow.  Save some for me".  I had no idea how much he liked popcorn....or he wanted to talk to keep me in his room more.  It was probably the later.  I guess I will have to wait and see if he asks for it tomorrow morning. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leah and great day swimming

This morning, Collin woke me up earlier than I expected him to.  It was still after 7am but I was hoping to get a little more sleep.  He pushed my head in a rocking motion and told me, "time to open your eyes and stretch Mommy.  It's time to get up."  Fortunately, it was still dark out so I told him it was NOT time because it was dark out.  He crawled in bed for about 10 minutes and then it was time again to get up. 

He wanted waffles for breakfast and ended up eating three of them.  The mass eating continues in the morning too.  I was hoping he would not take too long because I wanted to swim laps this morning (ended up swimming 600 meters).  Fortunately, Collin likes the "club" because they have movies he likes to watch.  We were there about an hour and then came home to play at the house.  Batman Collin come out to play in his playroom. 

We left to meet Miss Leah and family for lunch and to bring Lisa food for the week. Collin did great at the restaurant and ate most of his food...again. Here are some pictures of the family enjoying holding Leah.

Mimi, Pappy and Leah

Both of Leah's grandmas
Collin's Daddy and baby Leah.  He loved giving her kisses on top of her head.  I cannot blame him for that.  :)

Collin loving sitting by Nancy
After lunch, we went to Leah's house for just a few minutes to drop off food we bought for the week and hold Leah a little longer.  I knew that we had a heated pool waiting back at our house.  Collin was so excited about this that he did not fuss when it was time to leave.  He even told the neighbors that were outside when we got home.  We swam, played, used water guns, swam some more, did hand stands under the water, threw balls and just had so much fun almost an hour and a half.  We all had a blast!  When we finished, we got cleaned up and then had snacks.  Collin ate strawberries, apples, dry cheerios and pretzels and then a third of chicken soup.  Again.....that's a ton of food for him...especially at night.  I was hoping that the full tummy and the swimming would help him fall asleep sooner tonight...and it worked.  He was asleep by 8:30pm.  Thank you!!!!

What a great weekend!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Potty Words

Ugh....we are in the stage of almost every word being "poo poo, pee, fart" or some form of the word.  He says this to get a reaction that we try not to give him.  I have also noticed that he does it  when we are not currently paying attention to him.  It's worse during the week when he is at school.  I am assuming it's because some of the other kids use the same words.  I know he gets in trouble for it at school because, when at home when he says one of those words, he says "We are not supposed to use potty words, right Mommy?"  No matter my response, he still uses them.  I have tried ignoring it when he says them, telling him that it's not nice to use them, having him sit still and not play when he does it....but nothing is working.  It's been several months now.  Will he grow out of this phase soon?

Speaking of growing out...which makes me think of how much he is already growing up, he asked me this afternoon if he was going to school.  He does this on the weekend sometimes when he thinks we are leaving to drop him off at school.  I told him that he was staying home today because school was closed.  He then said, "I am going to be in Kindergarten right? (he said Kindergarten perfectly!)" and I said he would in at least 2 years but could tell that he was upset that he was not a Kindergarten right now.  I am sure this is because the older kids in class remind him that he is a baby and the young one in the class.  We know he does not like this and wants to already grow up faster than we are ready for him too.  Poor little guy!  He is already under peer pressure.

Aunt Nancy is Here!

We had a blast with Aunt Nancy today.  She arrived last night just has we got our bikes out for a ride in the street.  She hung out a little while to watch us and met the neighbors before we went inside to wait for Daddy to get home.

This morning, Nancy and Collin made breakfast of scrambled eggs.  She let Collin help by cracking two of the six eggs, putting some cheese in the eggs and then stirring eggs and cheese together.  She learned quickly that he wants to do EVERYTHING by himself unless he gets frustrated after he figures out that he cannot do it or if he is too tired.  The eggs were great!  I learned that she, like me, does not put ketchup on her eggs like Collin and Daddy do.  I am glad Collin ate all three of his eggs because there was no way I was going to finish any leftovers because of the ketchup on them.

Sure is a LOT of cheese!

After cleaning up breakfast, Nancy wanted to go hiking in the bird sanctuary.  She wanted to go last time she was in town but we did not make it so she was looking forward to going today.  Collin did not go hiking with us but....Batman did!  For the entire hour plus that we were gone, Batman hiked with us.  I thought for sure he would want to take the cape off...which did not come off even after we got home.  We were hoping we would see some frogs or turtles but we did not.  We saw several squirrels and bugs.  Once, when we were resting, I noticed a TINY green worm crawling on my knee.  I showed Batman Collin and he could not understand why the worm was there.  We watched it crawl a round for a few mintues, and then got up to walk some more.  Batman Collin wanted to rest and laid his head on Nancy's lap.  She loved that and was not in a hurry to keep moving.  We did finally start walking again so we could show her our favorite spot...the lookout over the small creek.  At this point, we saw the same looking worm crawling on Batman's cape string.  He saw it has I held up the string and wanted it off.  My guy really does not like bugs or animals like other little boys I know.  We had to get the worm off and he wanted me to carry him all the way home.  Glad I worked out that morning....and had arm fatigue.

Nancy's friend, Evonne, came over for lunch and to visit with Nancy while she was in town.  Collin, yes, he was Collin again by this point, liked having someone else over at his house.  AT first, he was shy but then started talking to her and showing her his toys while Nancy and I finished getting lunch together.  Daddy came home, had lunch and then he and Collin took a nap.  Glad they did because we had a busy early evening of riding our bikes with the neighbors in the street.  We raced, practiced riding without hands on the handlebars (not Collin), rode in the grass, through the water and just had a great time.  We were out there over an hour.  We came home and hopped into the warm spa to cool down and continue to enjoy the great weather we had today.  Then, Collin announced he wanted dinner.  I was shocked when he ate half a sandwich and apple slices.  He is typically not a big dinner I know he must have been hungry to eat that much.  Too bad he was not tired too.......he did not go to bed until almost 10pm.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Trick?

Here is what Daddy is teaching Collin while they are together:

Feeling Better

Collin felt much better yesterday but it was a good thing that he stayed home from school.  Mimi came in the morning to watch him and then Daddy in the afternoon.  They said that he, for the most part, had his energy level back but could tell that whatever he had was still working its way through his system. 

I would have loved to stay home with him but it was a tax deadline day so I really needed to be at work.  When I got home, he wanted to go outside....and I did too.  Instead of playing in the backyard, I wanted him to continue to rest so I loaded him up in the jog stroller and we went for a walk in the neighborhood and then along the trails.  We were gone over 1 1/2 hours having fun exploring the trails.  When we started off, Collin wanted to count the squirrels we saw.  I asked him how many did he think we would see and, after thinking for a little bit, said five.  I thought that was a good number especially since we saw two before we left our street.  We ended up seeing 19 squirrels. They were all over the place!

When we were on the trails, Collin wanted me to "go over all of the bumps" with the stroller so I did.  He either laughed, said "whoa!" or told my which additional direction to go when we did this.  I was having fun with it too.  We ended up crossing over several bayous and he wanted to stop and see the water.  He did not want me to get close though.  Glad he does not have that much "adventure" in him to want to get close to the water.  Mommy likes to know that he is a cautious 3 year old.  We eventually found this OLD playground near what turned out to be our community pool which I have never seen before.  It's close to 30 years old from what I remember so the playground equipment had to be that old.  See for yourself:
Collin had fun playing on the slide and climbing because he was the only one there.  He quickly figured out that grabbing a handful of the tiny pebbles and then releasing them down the slide was a lot of fun.  We brought a ball and he did the same thing with the ball.  We also threw it to each other a few times before we had to head back to the house.  I ran with the stroller on the way back home and the thought that was fun.  "Are we going faster now Mommy?"  I told him that we were because I was running and then hoped he did not ask to go faster.  I was going as fast as I could!  What a great evening with my son.

Later that night as he was walking down the hall to start getting ready for bed, he stopped and yelled out to Daddy who was in the living room to "watch some great movies Dada".  He started walking towards his room, stopped and then said "watch some bad movies too if you want".  Where does he come up with this?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I'm not choking anymore, Mommy"

I don't know all of the details but Daddy did an amazing job taking care of Collin last night.  After he was picked up from school, Collin was not feeling well.  They either went to Tae Kwon Do for a little bit or did not go at all because Collin told Daddy that his tummy hurt.  Now....every time that Collin has said this he has 1) gotten sick and 2) thrown up on or near, when Daddy hears that Collin's tummy hurts....he moves into action.  They went home and laid on the futon in the playroom while watching TV.  At some point, Collin did throw up, or choke as he calls it, in the playroom.  After cleaning it up and getting Collin a drink of apple juice, Daddy sat there on the futon while Collin went in and out of sleep waiting for me to get home.  When I did, I took over for Daddy so he could take a break.  Collin woke up a little just to see that I was there and then went back to sleep.

Later, he woke up again and figured out his shirt was wet....from his drink...and wanted it changed right away.  I brought in another shirt but it was not the right one. He apparently wanted the Spiderman shirt which I went to get.  How was I supposed to know?  After changing his shirt, pants and putting on a pull-up diaper, he went back to sleep and was snoring in about 20 minutes.  I sat there and worked on the computer because the TV hurt his eyes to be on.  As I was sitting there, I discovered he grinds his teeth.  I cringed at the sound of it and also thought that must be what I sound like because I do it too.  One more trait I passed along to my child.  Sorry Collin!

He slept solid from 8pm until 5am, was up for about 45 minutes and then got up again after 7am.  He is already feeling better this morning.  Mimi is at the house watching him.  Daddy will come home early to relieve Mimi and I will be home later.  Too bad I have to file some tax return extensions today or I would be home all day with the little guy.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Tonight when we were saying our prayers before Collin went to bed, he thanked God for his backyard, his toys and his computer.  I know where the toys and backyard comment came from because he played there at lot today.  His computer comment surprised me because he had not played on it in several days...probably over a week.  We did get a new computer because our other home computer was over 7 years old and running terribly....which is really just a great excuse to get a new computer.  Collin thinks it's his computer because we bought him two games to play on it.  One of them is Dora the Explorer which he LOVES to watch on TV and in my car.  Here he is playing his game.  Look at that concentration!

Weekend Fun

This weekend was full with friends and family as usual.  We are very blessed to have the friends we do have.  Saturday, Collin and I ran some errands before I dropped him off at the Jureks while I went to a triathlon training class to get some pointers about how to save time during transitions.  For those of you just dying to see a picture of me, here you go:
Learning transition pointers from coach Carolina.  I am in the purple. 

While I was training, Collin watched a little of Spiderman and then took a nap for most of the time I was gone.  I came over, got cleaned up and then waited for Daddy to come over too.  When he got there, all of us besides Ms. Kristen went to the park. She stayed behind to make us a wonderful dinner.  The kids all wanted to swing until it was time to go.  Saige got off the swing and said "hill Daddy!".  We did not know what that meant but understood when we rounded the corner.  It meant it was time to run the hills.  The parents smiled at this idea because it meant that 1) the kids would have fun doing it and 2) it would wear them out so they would not fuss too much when it was time to take a bath.  Here they are right before one of the races.  They did this at least 7 times and laughed the entire time.
Dinner was great!  The kids played outside afterwards and then watched a little of a movie before we headed home.  Daddy had to get up EARLY in the morning and we were all tired from a great day.

Today, Collin and I went to the Club (what we call the gym) so I could swim laps while he was in the Kid's Zone watching Shrek.  He did not want to leave when I was ready to pick him up.  That helps me not feel so guilty when I am working out when he has such a good time in the Zone that he does not want to leave.  When we got home and while waiting for Daddy to arrive, Collin played in the backyard in the dirt.  He loves digging and playing in the dirt.  He calls the front yard "digging in Mommy's plants" and in the back yard "digging in Collin's dirt".  He was not ready to go when Daddy arrived.  He told us that "I want to eat at my house".  I asked him if he liked his house and he said "yes, I do.  I don't want to leave".  We both knew that he was having fun in the yard and told him that he could play in it when we got back.

He did get his wish when we got back and after he and Daddy woke up from a nap.  He got to play in the back yard after we had a "picnic" in the back.  We had grilled cheese sandwiches, soup and grapes.  Collin and I threw and kicked the ball after dinner while Daddy watched the TV on the patio.  The weather was great and I could not have asked for a better evening.  What a way to end the weekend.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tae Kwon Do update and "1..2..3"

Daddy is feeling much better in the last day or two.  Even though he is feeling better, Mimi has been helping out this week because it's the week before a big tax deadline (March 15th) so I have been working longer hours. 

Tuesday, Mimi picked Collin up from school and took him to Tae Kwon Do.  As you have read from previous posts, Collin is not always wild about going.  He either does not participate at all or does but only for the last 20 minutes or so when the sensei arrives at the studio.  Mimi thought that it might be because he is hungry about the time they arrive.  She mentioned this to me because of the enormous amounts of food Collin ate after coming home from not participating much in Tae Kwon Do.  Well, Tuesday when she came to the house with Collin, she had a funny story about what he did.  I'll let her tell it:

I took Collin to school, worked at bike shop and then picked up Collin and went to taekwondo where he did well and some more things he learned in about 20 minutes of private lesson.  Collin enjoyed looking at a parent's dog and got attention from another parent who told me he was so adorable.  Collin told that parent that he was taking taekwondo until Daddy's money runs out (or something like that).  The parent said maybe his Daddy could get two jobs. While Collin and I talked to a grandmother of 3 students taking lesson, Collin told her all about me dropping the car key in locked the car and Laura coming to get him at his school.  This happened about a month ago.   I guess he has a better memory than we thought.

That night, he did eat a bunch of different items for dinner (like a tapas dinner) such as sliced cheese, bread, 1/4 of a banana, applesauce, juice and some crackers.  He pulled up his shirt and told me to look at how big it was while he was patting it.

Later, when it was time to take a bath, he was not interested in going to that part of the house.  I could tell it was going to be a long process to eventually get him in bed.  There was a funny moment though in all of the "stubbornness" that was happening with both of us.  He wanted me to get him some "cranberries" because he had gone poo in the potty earlier that night.  I told him to put his PJs on first and then I might get them.  He stood there and did not make an effort to move toward the PJs I had laid out on the floor.  I repeated that he needed to put his PJs on.  He looked at me, held up one finger and said " better get my cranberries...3!"  Are you kidding me?  My kid just counted as if I were going to get in trouble for not doing as he I do to him when he is not listening!  I tried as hard as I could not not look shocked or laugh at this.  I stood there and told him that he should not count to me like this.  Counting at me or another adult was not appropriate.  He did eventually put his PJs on and get cranberries.  We did brush his teeth really good afterwards.  Thank goodness he likes to brush his teeth or let me do it on the underside of his teeth.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dr. Collin

Daddy has not been feeling well since Sunday.  Sunday afternoon, when Daddy was sitting on the couch, he asked me to cover him and get him some water.  Collin was in the kitchen and heard this.  He came into the living room and told me his stomach hurt.  He then sat down in a chair and told me that he was cold and needed a blanket like Daddy.  Hmmmm.....I knew that he was feeling fine but liked the attention that Daddy was getting. 

Tonight when he came home from school, Collin saw that Daddy was in bed...and had been there most of the afternoon.  He went into his room and came back with Monkey.  He sat him down on Daddy's side of the bed and told Daddy that he could have Monkey since he was not feeling good.  Dr. Collin knows how to make anyone not feeling well feel MUCH better. 

If you are not the one feeling bad, Collin goes right back to a typical 3-year old and starts giving orders.  For example, Mimi was over tonight to help. Collin had been laying on the couch and wanted someone to get his water that was right in front of him on the ottoman.  He ordered me to do it and I asked him to ask nicer than that.  I guess he did not want to do that because he got up, walked through the kitchen into the office to where Mimi was.  He asked her to get the water for him.  Really?  He just got up, walked past it to ask someone else to get it for him.  I was proud of Mimi for not getting the water for him.  What a turkey-butt.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dutch Oven.......Really!?!?!?!

Tonight after Collin got into bed and pulled up the covers over him, he asked me to put my head under the covers with him.  I thought he was hiding from Daddy like he does sometimes at night.  I was wrong!  When I put my head under the covers, he asked me "Can you smell that?  I farted!!"  OMG!  My child just Dutch Oven'd me.  Where did he learn that from.  Daddy!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Batman Birthday

It's been a very busy week which is why you have not heard from me in a few days.  Between training for triathlons and in tax busy season (March 15th is the first deadline), I did not find time to blog.

Saturday morning, Daddy, Collin and I went to Joe's 4th birthday party.  When we arrived, Collin started taking his shoes off before he even got out of the car.  He did this because he could see the bounce house in the front yard when we turned the corner of the street.  He was REALLY excited to get out of the car and we could not get him out fast enough.  Here is why he was so excited.  I have never seen a bounce house with a slide hooked to it on the outside.  The parents wondered when it was their time to jump. 

It was FREEZING out (53 degrees) but the kids did not care.  They were jumping and sliding so much that they were sweating by the time they did take a break.  Collin spent the same amount of time sliding with the rest of the kids or throwing the ball in the hoops inside the bounce house.  Here he is enjoying the slide.  There were times that he caught some air on the way down.  He laughed every time he slid down.


Here he is playing basketball.  He was doing great with getting the ball into the hoop almost every time he took a shot.

After jumping, the kids came inside to decorate their batman cape and mask.  Collin was not interested in doing this because it was messy.  I think he meant that it was messy looking on the cape but I am not sure.  He decided to play with the cars and animals instead while the rest of the kids decorated their capes. 

When it was time for pizza and cupcakes, we went back outside (brrrr for me!). Collin ate only a slice of pizza and then wanted a cupcake. He typically does not eat these so I was shocked when he did eat the entire thing. He did have Daddy scrap off the icing and only at the cake part. He ate this like a puppy and paused at one point to make sure I took a picture of him doing it.

He also got his face painted while at the party. He has had his faced painted several times before. There are usually designs for him to point to and pick out what he wants painted on his face. When she asked what he wanted painted, he could not think of anything. She saw that he had a bicycle on his shirt and asked if he wanted that....and he did. I thought she did a great job and he loved it. We had to keep it on the next day.

We were only at the party a little over two hours but it was enough to get Mr. No Nap to take a nap for over 2 hours.  We ALL took a much needed nap.

That afternoon, we met the Jureks at their gym for the kids to play together and Mommy and Ms. Kristen to swim.  Ms. Kristen is a swimmer so she could show or give Mommy some pointers when she swam.  After swimming, I picked up Collin from the day care center to get a snack and head home because Mimi and Daddy were going to be there soon. 

Mimi was coming over because Mommy and Daddy had a birthday party for a neighbor to go to.  This was JP, Max and Luke's Daddy who was turning 40.  Plus, Mimi was spending the night so Mommy and Daddy could be with their bicycle friends in the nmorning.  Mommy rode 18 miles and ran 2.5 miles.  Daddy rode 5 miles on his mountain bike and talked to all of the bike shop customers.