Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friends, Egg Hunt and Lots of Fun

School was closed Friday so Collin and I hung out together with friends while Daddy worked.  For several hours, we hung out at Jacob's house.  The boys played in the playroom, played Wii (Collin is not very good at this because we do not have this game at home.  However, he did eventually get the hang of it), and then played outside for the longest time.  Jacob's mom and I watched the boys while we caught up.

Later that evening, we met Foard's family out while they were having dinner to drop Collin off.  He was spending the night so that Daddy and I could have a date night.  After dropping Collin off, we went to Whole Foods for dinner and then bought supplies for chemo that will be starting next Thursday.  This might not sound like the beginning of a great date night, but we both really enjoyed our meal and the time we were spending together.  Instead of going to see a movie at the theater, I was tired and wanted to rent one at the apartment.  I am glad we did decide to do this because we were able to get comfortable in our PJs while laying on the couch watching not one, but two movies.

The next morning, I stayed at the apartment resting and stuffing eggs for the egg hunt later that day while Daddy worked.  I picked up Collin around noon before heading to lunch with friends.  This was the first time I had driven since my surgery.  It was great to drive again.

We met Oliver, Lucy and their mommy, Ms Bonnie for lunch and sat outside to enjoy the great weather.  The kids had fun with each other.  They played hide-n-seek on the patio when they finished eating.  It was not too busy at the restaurant so we let the kids enjoy this time.

Collin and I rested when we got home because I knew the egg hunt was later in the day.  Daddy came home to see that both of us were napping which he quickly did also.  I really needed to sleep more but we had to get up so that I cold help hide some eggs before the 2nd annual egg hunt on our street.  Ms Kristen was already out hiding eggs when we arrived so we had to hide Collin's eyes while carrying him into her house so that he would not cheat and see where all of the eggs where.  I spent about 15 minutes hiding the eggs we contributed to the hunt.

The kids were eager to start.  I was so happy to see more kids this year than last.  The neighborhood keeps changing and more and more little kids are moving in with their parents.  There were 12 kids there with the majority of them being 5 years old or younger.  We counted to three and then they started running around collecting eggs that were hidden in four yards including ours.  Inside of a small basket, Collin chose to use the bag I brought that I used to carry the stuffed eggs in.  Very wise choice because he must have found over 30 eggs.  The parents had fun watching the kids run around looking for the eggs.  When the finished, they all opened a few eggs.  Collin wanted me to wear a necklace that was in one of his larger eggs.  When he opened an egg with candy, he put the candy in the bag to "save it for later.  That's a good thing because it was time for dinner.  We did not stay at the Jureks because I was exhausted.  I have enough energy to last about 3 hours before needing to nap or at least rest.

Linden, Collin and Saige starting the hunt at the first house

Collin had to show me that he found an egg that looked like a football

At the edge of our yard finding eggs

I think he did really well, don't you?

Very wise decision to come home.  The boys showered and we all got in our PJs.  We ordered Chinese and then relaxed by either reading or watching movies.  Just what we all needed...especially me.  I started to hurt so I took so medicine and felt better about 20 minutes later. 

Oh, yes, Collin did arrive to the egg hunt as a bunny with his whiskers and pink nose.  He wore his bunny ears in the car but took them off when we arrived.  Maybe he thought these would slow him down during the egg hunt.

Tomorrow, we celebrate Easter with family and friends. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bunny Collin

Tuesday afternoon, Collin and his class had an Easter egg hunt after school.  This was he second egg hunt of the season so he was ready.  I was home resting and not able to make it but I am sure he looked cute running around getting his eggs. 

When he came home, he had on a hat made of bunny ears.  Also, the teacher had drawn whiskers on his cheeks and a pink nose.  When it was time for bath, he asked what he usually did "Smell my hair.  Do I need to wash it?"  I assumed he did not want to wash his hair for the same reason he does not want to every night....he did not want to get his hair wet.  Tonight, however, he explained that he did not want to wash off his whiskers and nose.  Oh, I did not see any harm in keeping these on for the night.  They had already faded some since he got home because he was wiping on his face from dinner. 

This morning, after he brushed his teeth, he brought over the black and pink marker so that I could draw the whiskers and nose back on his face.  I asked if he was sure that he wanted me to do this and he said he was.  He then hopped over to where his shoes were to put them on and then hopped over to me to give me a kiss before he and Daddy left for the bus.  Daddy said he hopped out of the car and most of the way to the bus stop.  He sure did make a cute little bunny. 

Tonight, I did draw the whiskers and nose back on.  At least, he is not wearing the bunny ears hat because those would have been crushed when he went to sleep.  However, the hat is sitting next to his bed. I am glad he is having fun with this. 

I will try to remember to take a picture and post it tomorrow.

[next morning]:  I did get some pictures of Bunny on the way to school this morning.  I asked him to show me his whiskers and he started posing...should I be worried?  The kid loves the camera:

He is enjoying this.  He is just being serious.

"Mom, get the other side!"

Ready to be Bunny and go to school.  OK, maybe not the "go to school part"

Class Clown

We have known that Collin is one of the class clowns and distracts his friends at school. We hear about it from his teacher and we also witness it when we have lunch with him.  When I have lunch with him, sometimes his friends tell me that he had to sit in the chair that morning because he was in trouble.  We have talked about focusing in class and told him that we know when he gets in trouble thinking this would work.  Nope, not yet.

I did the same thing at his age. What stopped me was when my mom came to school with one day to talk to the teacher.  Whoa!  Why was she there?  I was great after that.  Thinking this might work for Collin, we met with his teacher yesterday morning. Collin went with us some knew that we were talking to her and could hear what we were talking about.

Headed from the car to his class, he asked "Are you sad at me?". We explained that we were not but wanted to talk to his teacher about why he was being silly.  We could tell he did NOT like us being there. We talked to the teacher for about 15 minutes. During that time, we discussed when it was time to be silly and when it was time to listen to the teacher.  He answered the questions correctly.  We gave him a hug and then left because school was starting.

His teacher said he did great that day.  During dinner, we did talk about it more. Not long but just enough to keep it on top of his mind.  Let's see how the rest of the week goes.

"Push the button to make me walk"

Collin has started telling us what buttons to push to either make him move forward, backward, sideways, faster, slower, etc.  The "buttons" can be pulling on either ear, pushing on his arm or leg, pushing on top of his head or really anywhere on his body.  Before this starts, he tells you about these "buttons".  Now, these can change from hour to hour and day to day so you have to pay attention.  Yes, he does remember the labels he gives these buttons.  Now, this is fun when we are playing and not in a rush to do anything.  We do this for about 20 minutes and then both of us are  ready to play something else.  This game is NOT fun and I stoop it as soon as I can when we are in a rush such as getting ready for school.

The other game that is fun depending on the time of day is Opposite Day.  However, same thing that this is not as fun when we are trying to get out the door.  The last time he did this was when we were trying to get ready for soccer.  "Collin, please put your shorts on".  He put his socks on.  At least he was getting dressed but, remember this was soccer.  Socks do not go on before the shin guards do which we had not put on yet. 

At least he was getting dressed because he still wants us to dress him...which we don't.  Right now what works is to tell him that he needs to practice to be a 6-year old.  I wonder how long this will work....but at least it does for now.

Oh, the life of a parent and a 5-year old!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Sunday afternoon was Collin's first soccer game and he was really excited to play....once they got there.  It was a COLD, windy day (up to 25 mph winds) so he was dressed for the weather.  He really did not want to wear the long sleeved shirt under his uniform shirt but he eventually did.

I did not attend the game because I really needed to rest. I was bummed about this but knew I needed to rest.  Daddy said that Collin did great!  He make 4 to 5 goals and ran, ran, ran.  He said that he was not the best but he was also not the worst either.  He got in there and tried to kick the ball around but could be a little more aggressive.  The boys that were had older siblings that play them.  We think that really helps.  Daddy will start doing the same with Collin and be more "strategic" when we kick the ball around after school.

What a pose like a pro!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"You Did Not Stretch Me!"

Two month later and I am still getting requests to stretch Collin out before he begins his day. I start with his arms first and then his legs.  There is a certain way to stretch too. I have to pull gently and then hold for a few seconds before moving to the next limb. He gives directions along the way so I really don't have to remember how to do it. Just that arms are first and then legs.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Report Card - #2

Collin's second report card came home in his folder Friday.  He received a "2" for every category except Concepts About Print which he received a "1".  A "2" is Developing as Expected and a "1" is Needs Development. 

He is doing much better with his letters compared to last time.  We have been working work with him after school with writing, sounding and recognizing them.  This time, he needs work on G, Q and T in all categories (upper, lower and sounds).  We were suprised with T because he does know that one.  He also does not recognize lower case as much as upper and needs help with b, d, f, g, h, l, q, and t.  We will continue to work with these letters.

We are also working with him on "th" and "ch" which are very challenging.  A new game he likes to play any time of day is for us to call out an object and then he has to say the letter it starts with.  For example, "Bed", and then he replies with "B".  If there are letters he does not know as well, he will ask us not to use these.  Do you think we listen to that request?  Nope!  Nice try though.  :)

Tball Season Starts!

Today was Collin's first Tball game of the season.  His team is the Roadrunners (his school mascot).  He was excited to go because at least six kids from his Pre-K class are on his team.  Also, he did get to pick the number on the back of his jersey.  As the number was called out, the kids raised their hand if they wanted that number.  The numbers were called out randomly too so Collin patiently waited until #6 was called.  He raised his hand because he really wanted that one.  Why?  Because "I will be 6 for my next birthday".  He thought hard about that one.  Last year, he was #1.

We have not had a chance to practice throwing or hitting too much before the game but I thought he did a great job.  He does need to pay more attention when he is out in the field.  If the ball is not coming strait to him, he's not going to move...even to help his team mate right in front of him. 

When it was his turn up to bat, he did hit the ball on the second time and it went almost to 2nd base.  After hitting the ball, that boy ran FAST to 1st base compared to a lot of the other kids.  That's my boy.  He did hit the ball again the next time he was up to bat. 

Waiting to bat. He has his helmet on and ready to go.

First hit of the season.  That's my Lefty!
Waiting to run to 2nd base
When he was not playing, he was cutting up with his friends from class.  I walked over a few times to let him know that I was watching and saw what he was doing.  That did help a little but he continued to do it a few more times because the other boys were starting it. 
They were playing "Push the team mate off the bench".

Friday, March 22, 2013

Biggest Challenge of 2013

We sure have had a lot going on the last few months with moving into a small apartment while remodeling our house and opening up the third bicycle shop.  My company also moved office locations several miles apart the first week of January.  That's enough to stress any family.  However, on January 3rd, I received news that would change the direction we thought 2013 would take.  I was told that I had breast cancer.  Without too much detail, I went for my mammogram (and was due anyway) after learning that Grandma Filla had Stage IV breast cancer.  I did not think anything of it when they wanted me to come back for an ultrasound and then a biopsy because this has all happened before...and I was clear.  However, this time, the news was not what I was expecting.  My doctor said that I had ductal carcinoma and was likely Stage II by the size of the tumor. 

After many doctor appointments, second opinions and multiple tests, we determined the best course of action for us (this was not only affecting me but my family as well including Collin) was to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on March 6th.  We did tell Collin that I was to have surgery to get rid of the nasty bugs that would hurt Mommy if they did not come out.  While I stayed in the hospital for five days, he was to stay with friends that would help him get to and from school and his after school activities.  His only question was whether the surgery would hurt and I told him that it would a little but that I would not cry plus the doctors would make sure I was OK.  That was that.  He seemed to happily help me pack up his clothes for the next few days and wanted to know several times where was he staying and what days. 

He did visit me in the hospital on a day that I was doing much better (day 3).  We thought this was a good idea so that he would see that Mommy was feeling good but that he needed to really help Daddy take care of me.  We he first saw me, he stayed really close to Daddy.  He then walked over to the foot of the bed and wanted to know all about the things on my legs that where squeezing my calves periodically.  He gave me a kiss and held my hand.  Then, it was time to go so it would not be too overwhelming for him.

When I got home, Collin was GREAT at being gentle around me and taking care of me.  When I needed to nap, he would bring me some of his stuffed animals to help me sleep.  He also would not sit in the chair we brought to the apartment for me to recover in because "this is Mommy's sick chair".  I got lots of hugs and kisses from him.  He was also good about not asking me over and over if I would play with him because he could see that I could not move very well.  Once, I caught him walking like me and he said that I walked liked Grandma Filla because I was walking slow and hunched over for the first week.

The next week, he was ready for me to start playing with him because I was moving around faster, standing up straighter and feeling better but there was no way I had the energy to play with him.  I still had five drains coming out of my body and stitches and staples that still had not been removed yet.  He just did not see most of this because I was able to keep it hidden mainly so the drains would not get caught on anything. 

Daddy and Mommy are not sleeping as well these days not only because of the surgery  but also because of being in the apartment, things on our mind, etc.  Collin has slept well through all of this and only one night woke up in the middle of the night and asked to sleep with Daddy.  That was huge because he always asks for me. He also has had several overnight accidents that are not like him so we know that he is very aware of what's going on.  He still remains a VERY happy little boy that thinks the world revolves around him.  hahaha 

This week since I have felt better, Grandma H picked me up Wednesday to pick up Collin at the bus stop and then watch him during swim practice.  I LOVED the reaction I got from him when he got off the bus.  He saw me, ran down the bus steps, past Grandma H, and then to me.  He stopped so that he could gently give me a hug and several kisses.  That sure did make my day. 

I have about two weeks before I start chemo. Right now, I generally look the same as I did before surgery except this one drain left.  Collin has also seen the 21 inch scar around my waist.  Otherwise, I am still the same Mommy as before.  I have not clue how he is going to react once I start chemo and the side effects start such as losing my hair.  He is a strong little boy.  We will all get through this year together as a family.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Collin's Favorite Food

Ms Kristen asked Collin what was his favorite food because she was putting a list together.  He thought about it and then said marshmallows!  That does not count. What else?  "cheese". I know where he got that from.....his mommy. She asked for him to pick out five total and he continued strawberries, cranberries (gummy candy) and gummy worms.  I am sure that sounded good to him..... but not very healthy which he was learning in school the last week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Stair House Progress

We have been in the apartment for over 9 weeks now.  During that time, the house has been torndown to the studs on the non-bedroom side, stairs were added (hence the reason Collin refers to it as the stair house), dry wall hung, molding in place and the kitchen is starting to take shape.  The contractor says we have about 6 more weeks to go.  We are ALL ready for this to happen...even Collin.

Day 1 of the remodel.  Lots of walls that need to be torn down.

Day 2 of the remodel.  They are not wasting any time at all are they?

New kitchen area ready for dry wall.  Look, we have a pantry now and no more vaulted ceiling.
As the kitchen area looks today. 

I know that Collin is ready to move back into the stair house because of the questions he asks or because of what he journals about at school.  He does want to move back because he knows that we cannot have a dog in the apartment.  So, he thinks that moving out of the apartment will help him get a dog that much faster.  Great logic but Mommy is still not convinced about this whole dog thing.  I have had many dogs and know that work that it takes to have one.  Plus, a dog in our newly remodeled house?  Yikes, I cannot even think about that right now. 

Collin also journals about being in his house.  I can't tell you how often they journal at school but every few weeks, he brings home his journal.  I cannot wait for him to talk about the pages with me because this helps me understand what he has on his mind at least during those weeks.  The theme does change, however, I am always mentioned in it.  This week, he talked about how much he loved swimming, his mommy and walking his new dog (several pages were about these).  He also likes apples, a purple Python, hearts (Valentine's Day during this time) and his Mimi.  It's been a long time since he has been to Mimi's house because she is busy taking care of Grandma Filla right now. 

Here is is walking the dog on the left and loving his mommy on the right.

He loves swimming and his mommy.
 Speaking of, Grandma Filla is feeling much better and looks really good these days. She has lost a lot of weight but was on the heavy side to begin with so she does not look frail after all of the weight loss.  Here she is at Leah's birthday party with Paul's brother. 

Leah's 2nd Birthday Party

Little Leah "Sopapilla " turned 2 on Tuesday (2/26) and celebrated her birthday at church Saturday afternoon with her cousins and brother.  Her church is HUGE.  Inside the church is an indoor playground.  The kids played on the playground for an hour before breaking for cake and ice cream.  They played afterwards until it was time to leave. 

Leah loved running around the playground but was not to sure about climbing really high where the other kids where.  She did get up there a few times when her daddy climbed up to help.  We could all hear her screaming out of fear at the top and laughing on the way down.  Crazy little girl.  Collin had a great time with Hayden and Mason.  Timmy was doing his own thing for awhile and then joined the boys at the end.

One of the only moments Leah stood still enough for me to get a picture of the front of her.  I have LOTS of pictures of the back of her head.

Sweaty Collin ready to sing and then eat cake (yes, without the icing was requested as usual)
Collin's new way to wear the hat.  He was hoping this would catch on.

The perfect cake for a princess
Mommy and Leah

Leah could not wait for a piece of cake.  Why not lick the icing first?
Guess who brought this present?

Collin trying to explain to Leah why the soft Princess cover he got he was "SO cool"  She was not interested.

All of the kids where interested in her presents.  Timmy wanted to play with all of them and did not understand why he could not right at that moment.

Rodeo Day at School

Friday, Collin had Rodeo Day at school Friday morning.  He went to school in regular clothes because I had no idea where his cowboy hat was at the house and he refuses to wear button down shirts.  The shirt thing is probably from when he had to wear a uniform at Montessori school....there were buttons on his shirt he had to button every day.

I was lucky enough to be a volunteer for the morning.  My job was to lead a group of students around to the six different stations of fun.  The stations where:  bean bag toss, sack racing, horse shoes, stick horse racing, snack station (the favorite), bingo, and a station set up to make a sheriff's fest.  My group of seven boys were not as rowdy as you would think for a bunch of 5 year olds.  They really loved the sack racing and the horse shoes.  I had a hard time pulling them away from these two stations when it was time to "rotate" or move to the next station.  No, Collin was not in my group on purpose.  When I was in the same area his group was, he did come up to me to tell me what he was doing at the moment or to get a hug.  I think he liked me being there.

Here is my group playing bingo:

While my group was playing bingo, Collin stopped by to show me the vest he made.  He was really proud to show me the stickers he put all over it.

At the end of the fun, the kids got to take their picture in their vest, waving a flag in front of a painted cowboy.  Then, the entire class did this.  They loved having their individual picture taken.