Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Lacrosse Game #5

Practice sure is paying off because Collin played his most aggressive game this past Sunday. He even got five attempts at the goal. Even though he didn’t make a goal, he was very aggressive and was generally in the right spot ready for his teammates to pass him the ball. We let him know how proud of him we were for him paying attention and clearly playing his hardest.  It was a great game but the team ended up losing by one goal.

He is in jersey number #1 in the pictures below. 

More Dirt Bike Practice

Because Collin did so well the first time he rode his dirt bike on the open trails, Dad thought it would be fun for him and Collin to ride on the hiking trails through the trees north of us. It had rained  hard for a few days before we went but it wasn’t raining that morning and the trails were open so we decided to go. I went along with the boys so I can hang out with them during the ride and also relax a little while they were out on a ride. I thought I might get some hiking in too but it turned out to be freezing that morning with temperatures as low as 45. Being damp and windy made it feel even colder.

At our first stop, we got out to check out the trail condition. Collin started getting a little anxious because he saw how muddy the trails were and watched some of the other riders skidding a little as they went through the mud.  We talked to some of the riders and found out there were wider, dryer trails a little north of where we were so we packed up and headed that direction. 

Dad unload the bikes and they both took a few practice laps around the parking area. Collin felt pretty confident and so they started out on one of the smaller trails. Collin only was gone less than a minute before heard him yelling out for help.  I found him and he was crying pretty hard because he did not turn the bike shop enough to make the corner and hit a tree that had fallen down. He wanted off the bike and said he was done.  Dad came back around and we got Collin to calm down enough to talk to him about possibly riding the wider jeep trails instead. He was very agreeable to that and they both road for another hour before Collin was so cold that he was done and wanted to warm up in the car with me. 

We had to head back to get cleaned up and get ready for a dinner date with some friends. I think Collin had fun because this is what he looked like the majority of the way home. 

Easter celebrations

I love our neighborhood! For Easter, we had our 5th annual Easter egg hunt on our cul-de-sac. We shut down the street so the kids could be safe hunting for Easter eggs in the front yard of four of the six homes. For the older kids, they search for the large golden eggs that had money inside. The younger kids were excited to pick up all the eggs off the ground that were fairly easy to find. 

After the hunt was over, each kid got to select a basket full of goodies. Then, all of us enjoyed hamburgers, hotdogs, sides and desserts. We all hung out in the front yard until way after dark getting to know some of our new neighbors. Call and had a great time hanging out with the kids, riding his bike up and down the street, and jumping on the trampoline in how are neighbor’s backyard. 

The next day, my family came over for a homemade spaghetti lunch, Easter egg hunt and a long visit. Collin loves playing with his cousins so he was really sad to see them go and wanted to go to their house to play more or to spend the night. He kept forgetting that it was a school night and continue to ask until well after all the family left. 

Here are some pictures of us playing outside including uncle Paul riding one of Collin’s bikes. We all thought it was hilarious watching him ride the bike especially with Tyson upfront.