Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If you won't, then I will

Toddlers are little stinkers.  They do things just to see what they can get away with...and then even more than what they expected.  Collin has been doing this for over a year now.  We continue to be amazed at how his brain works and why he does things the we he does.

A perfect example of this was last night when I was up with him for the first time (see my previous post Dry at Night?).  He went to bed earlier that night and asked for water which he has been drinking before bed for months.  We have been trying to break him of this habit so that it will help him to not have to go potty in the middle of the night and to also have a dry diaper in the mornings.  Last night was no different than the nights before.  While reading a book to him, he asked for his water.  I told him that it was late (not a good enough reason for him) and that he cannot have water in his room at night.  He did not like this response but did not argue with me (hmmmm.....what was wrong? Was he going to yell about it later?).  I continued to read the book and then two more before I told him "good night", gave him a kiss and then left his room.  I wish the leaving-his-room part went as smoothly that just sounded.  He did complain a few times but eventually stayed in his bed and stopped asking for me. 

Several hours later is when he woke up and asked for me to lay with him.  I followed him back to his room and asked him to get in bed.  He did and I tucked him back in and leaned in to give him a kiss.  It was dark in his room so I was using the clock light to barely see an outline of him.  He turned over and asked for his water.  I started to repeat what I said earlier that night about not having water in is room.  He quickly replied, "I do have water.  It's by my bed."  I felt by his bed...and sure enough, there was a sippy cup with cold water in it.  I did not do this...and know Daddy did not.  I asked how it got in his room and he said, "I got it from the kitchen myself."  I wanted to bust out laughing because I loved that he was self-sufficient BUT he did get water when I told him he was not supposed to have it.  That explained why he was out of bed and wanted me to tuck him back in.  Gotta love toddlers.  I certainly love mine!

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