Monday, March 29, 2010

Crying Wolf......or "I have to poop"

Collin has learned that if he let's us know that he has to go poop, that we stop what we are doing and run him to the bathroom. At first, he did really have to go to the potty. Now, he has learned that if he announces that he has to poop, that we stop what we are doing and pay attention to him. Many times this past weekend, that's just what happened. Collin would let me know that he had to go, so I led him to the nearest potty. When we got there, he said he did not have to go. At first, I thought he was just scared or changed his mind. After a few times of this, I thought he might be doing this to get attention. I don't know for sure....but to play it safe, I did make him sit on the potty every time just in case he was not kidding. I was not interested in cleaning up that mess.

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