Saturday, March 6, 2010

Collin Bird

Collin is fasinated with bird's nests. On the way home from school the other day, he was looking for them in the trees while in the car. Mimi said he did the same thing when she picked him up too so they walked around the front yard looking for them in the trees after getting home instead of going into the house.

After his bath on another night, Collin wanted to lay down wrapped in a towel on his monkey mat. Then he wanted his bed pillow, blanket and monkey. He said he was in his nest. When it was time to read books, he searched and searched for a book on his book shelf. I asked what he was doing and he said "looking for a nest". Mimi was there and helped look through most of his books trying to find a picture of a bird's nest. We actually had a few, thank goodness!!! "Are you my Mother" was one of them which happens to be one he really likes. That night, he went to sleep in his "nest" and not his bed.

This has been going on for at least a week now. Wonder why his is suddenly interested in nests? Maybe they talked about them in school. He could not tell me.

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