Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yardwork and friends

Collin had another full day today. We started by going to the local kolache place to have breakfast. Collin ate an entire cinnamon twist by himself. This was the first time I had to take him outside of a restaurant to get him to settle down. He was yelling at us because he was not getting his way or because we did not understand him. He did stop crying and calmed down.

We then went to the grocery store. Daddy got to experience Collin in the car cart. Collin likes the steering wheel and honking at people. If he sees something he wants, he does escape temporarily to get it and put it in the cart. I do have to look things over when we are checking out because I have found things in the cart that I did not put there.

We got home, unloaded groceries and then it was time to gather the leaves in the front and back yard. Daddy hates to do this but having Collin help makes it a little better. Collin did help as much as he could. He did use the little rake to rake up some leaves but he took lots of breaks to run through them. He also helped me pull a few weeds....until he found two mini-Frisbee's to throw into the tree. Remember, Collin likes to get things stuck in the tree for us to get them out. Don't ask me why......

He and I took a nap together in my bed. I did sneak out the last 45 minutes so I could get us ready to see Terry and her daughter, Melia. When Collin woke up, we did head to their house. The kids did not take long to warm up to each other. They playing inside before we walked to the local park. Collin played in the sand while Melia swung. They both ended up in the "monkey grass" playing with the acorns. Why....who knows......but they did seem to have a good time doing this. We were getting hungry so we ate at a local pizza place that was kid-friendly and then came back to Melia's house to play more. I put Collin in PJs thinking he would be so tired that he would sleep on the way home so I could just transfer him to bed. Did not happen. I did read a few books to him to get him in the "sleepy mode" again but that did not work. He said he was hungry, thirsty, that his tummy hurt, he wanted to take a bath....anything to not have to rock before getting into bed.
Potty training is still going well for the most part. He did wear underwear the entire weekend except while at the zoo (but he did go potty several times while we were there). He had two accidents that I recall. One time, he could not get his pants down fast enough and the other was during his nap (remember where he slept today?)

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