Sunday, March 28, 2010

Great Sunday!

It was too nice of a day to stay inside today. After running a few errands which included going to the grocery store, Collin and Daddy worked outside in the yard. You already know that this is not Daddy's favorite thing to do but, when you have a helper like Collin it can be entertaining. Here are Daddy and Collin filling back in a hole created in the front yard where a tree was taken out. It was dead from the harsh winter we had.

We then ate lunch on the back patio which we have been doing a lot lately since the weather has gotten warmer. We thought nap time would happen after lunch but Collin was not interested at all. I knew we were going to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt and party. A toddler without a nap at a party can be disastrous so I was really hoping he would take a nap instead of falling asleep on the way there. He did neither.

We arrived to the egg hunt just in time to line up. Learning from yesterday, we stood to the side so Collin would not have to compete with so many other kids. This worked because he did get a few eggs this time as you can see.

He really wanted to pet the real bunny that was there but changed his mind both time we got close to it. Later, Daddy held the bunny while Collin pet it. That worked out great. There were plenty of snacks after the hunt. Daddy and Collin somewhat shared an ice cream but Collin wanted his own.

While there, Collin let me know he had to pee and started his pee pee dance. I knew he really meant it and thought we would have to go in the woods. Not knowing if this would work, I had to try instead of letting him pee in his underwear. When we got to a distance I thought was far enough away, I told him that we were going to pee in the woods. He did...and loved it. He ran back to Daddy who was talking to another parent and announced, "I went pee pee in the woods Daddy!" He was SO proud of himself.

We all had a great time. Here is what Collin looked like when we got home. He went straight to a bath that Daddy had ready for him.

After his bath, Collin asked if he could pee in the woods. Look what I started!
He is doing great with the potty training. He even went poop at Saige's house yesterday which was a shocker for me. I know some of you might not be interested in his "movement" but it's a BIG deal to go poop in the potty....especially at someone elses house.

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