Thursday, April 1, 2010

Music Man

We have played music for Collin every night since he was a newborn. I would change out the CD every week or so (or when I thought about it) so he could listen to a variety of soothing music while he falls asleep. In the two years, we have accumulated over 10 CDs that we cycle through. In the last week, another way Collin is showing his independence is that HE wants to select the CD for the night. Not only does he pick it out of the bin with the other CDs, he takes out the one currently in the player, puts this one in the CD case, takes out the newly selected one, puts it in the player, pushes the button to shut the CD into the player, pushes "play" and then even determines the volume of the music. That is actually the cutest part because he will say "too loud" and then turn it down and then even say "maybe a little more", so he will turn it back up. Last night he selected some lullabies that Matthew's mom gave Collin when he was a newborn. He selected Mozart the night before. He told me he did not like "The Rat Pack" CD and took that one out. That was Daddy's contribution to the CD collection. After several rejects over the week, I took it out of the rotation. Maybe next year Daddy.

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