Monday, September 10, 2007

Weight Gain - Not Me :)

This morning, Collin and I went to a lactation support group sponsored by the Texas Women's Hospital where Collin was born. They have scales you can use to either weigh the babies or weigh the baby before and after eating to determine how much milk they are drinking. I did both this morning. Collin weighed 7lbs and 9 oz. which is 4 oz more than what he weighed last Tuesday at the pediatrician. I was also able to determine that he ate 2.2 oz during the hour that I was there. Right now, he should be eating at least 3 oz. so I am going to give him a bottle with at least an ounce of breast milk after he nurses. This should help him gain the recommended weekly weight of at least 7 oz. Our next pediatrician appointment is next Tuesday and we will find out if he has gained enough weight by then to make her happy.

He is starting to make cooing noises which are really cute. He focuses more on mine and Chris' face when we hold him close. He really likes looking at light (like out windows or at the skylight in the kitchen). If he is crying, I use this to help soothe him...sometimes it works at least.

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