Friday, September 7, 2007

Hungry Little Man

After not getting much sleep last night, Collin has been eating every two hours today so far. I have also given him a bottle of breast milk (at least an ounce) after most of his "meals". Between eating, he is really restless and does not want to sleep. After not sleeping much last night, I thought he would at least get in a good nap or two today already. I have tried everything that I can think of including walking outside in the stroller to using the car seat inside as a rocker. Just as I think it's safe to put him in either his crib or pack and play, he starts to cry. This is not helpful if I am trying to fix me something to eat or use the restroom. I just finished pumping so he could have some extra milk after the last nursing session and he is sleeping on my lap. I have not tired to get up yet fearing that he will wake up again. Oh well, he will be hungry in about an hour based on wanting to eat every two hours so far.

I thought about going for a car ride next if he does wake up. I will be in Friday traffic so it might not be too helpful because of all the starts and stops.

He did have his first real bath yesterday morning in the newborn tub. He did not like it at first but settled down after about 5 minutes. He sure did smell good. Later that night, he threw up after eating so he does not smell that great anymore. :)

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