Monday, September 24, 2007

Stump the Consultant

Collin and I went to the lactation support group this morning at the hospital. I explained to the lactation consultant the problems we were facing (not getting enough milk while nursing but having enough milk supply) and she was stump about what the problem could be. She said that Collin looked and sounded good while nursing and was surprised to see that he only ate .3 ounces in 40 minutes. However, he gulped down 3 ounces of expressed milk I had brought with me. She took notes about our situation (week by week events) to talk to her peers to see what they could think of and call me back with suggestions. I have not heard back from her yet.

I guess Collin heard our conversation this morning with the consultants, because this afternoon, he ate more while nursing. He got 1.6 ounces (up from .5 to 1 ounce) but still not the 3 ounces he needs regularly to continue to gain weight. So...I continue to pump to make sure he is getting enough milk. Possibly, his mouth DOES feel better from the thrush and he will continue to nurse better and better each time.

I have an pediatrician appointment in the morning to follow up with the doctor about his weight gain. Since he is gaining weight, I am sure she will be happy with the progress.

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