Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Gifts and Lunch with Dad

Collin sure has had a good day today. First, he had a bath again this morning to wake him up to eat around 6:30am. He was not as fond of it this time as he was the last time. Then, Tracey came for a short visit around 10am. She brought some gifts: 3-6 month sleeper, really soft blanket and a Peek-A-Boo Soother (hangs on the crib and plays music with water noises). While she was visiting, TWO more gifts arrived in the mail. One was from Great Aunt Darlene. She sent the most adorable outfits: a onesie with ants on it ( that because she is an aunt again?), a jumper with ants and some overalls. I cannot wait for Collin to be big enough to wear these. Grace sent us a baby carrier for me to wear and hold Collin once he is able to hold his head up on his own.

We just got back from having lunch with Dad. We all really liked this time together so I am going to try to do this at least every Wednesday because this seems like a good day for Chris.

Last night was not a bad night. Chris helped with one of the feedings. I am pumping again after Collin nurses because he is still hungry and has eaten all of the reserves. I am tyring to catch up with him and have extra but he keeps eating it. Maybe he will actually start gaining at least an ounce a day like the doctor wants to see him do.

Tomorrow, we are going to a Birth, Baby and Beyond class at the hospital. The topic is "Taking better baby photos". There will be a speaker and a chance to meet other parents that live in the area.


grandmaH said...

I love all the news. It makes me feel a part of Collin's and your life. Keep it up!! Also, where are more pictures. I know you are tired and busy. But Grandma needs more pics. GrandmaH.

MommaHolmes07 said...

Try getting Chris to bring the camera home to put the pictures on the computer. I delegated that to him. You can see how well that is working. ;)