Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lots of Quality Time

Sorry I have not posted an update since Tuesday. Since Collin is eating every 1.5 to 3 hours and I am pumping at least 6 times a day, there does not leave much time to sit at the computer. Since Collin is still hungry when I am pumping, I have to play with him to keep him calm instead of being on the computer. Chris is home right now so I have a little free time.

Since I wrote last, I have found out that Collin is not eating as much during nursing. I have the supply but he is not getting it for some reason. I am calling the doctor tomorrow to see what she has to say about it. Even though he is not getting enough nursing, I am feeding him a bottle of breast milk to make up the difference (he should be eating at least 3 ounces at a time). This has helped increase his weight and kept him happy. He actually takes naps now during the day and is usually content between eating times without much interaction and comforting from me. As of this morning (and a different scale), he weighs 8 lbs up from 7lbs and 7 ounces. Yeah Collin!

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