Thursday, September 27, 2007

Musical Bath

This morning during Collin's bath, he decided to play some body tunes for grandma and I. He warmed up with several "small notes" and then ended with a long, loud "note" and a few small "souvenirs". The end of the "song" was followed by a "clear fountain". I am so glad I decided to bathe him in his tub bath instead of a sponge bath in his crib.

Collin essentially slept from about 12:30am until 7:30am today. He did wake up around 4:30am and acted like he was hungry. I tried to nurse him on both sides and he fell asleep so I put him back to bed. He was probably worn out from the adventures yesterday and the feeding frenzy the last two days. Now, after nursing, he will drink at least 3 ounces from a bottle. Yesterday, he was averaging 4.5 ounces and even had 5 ounces one time. He must be in a growth spurt. I weighed him this morning and he still weighs 8lbs and 9.6 ounces (different scale from the doctor's office so him might have gained some weight).

We are going to class again this morning and get to see Addison and her mommy. The rest of the day, we plan to hang around the house which is fine with all 3 of us.

1 comment:

The Karg Family said...

OH my gosh, you are too funny. I just laugh so hard reading your postings. The bath situation is so reminicent of how it really is. I am glad things are getting a better with the sleep situation and nursing is more "in control."