Saturday, September 15, 2007

Feeding Marathon

Most of the day today, Collin was hungry every 2 hours. Since he usually eats for at least 45 minutes, this did not leave much time in between for napping, eating, etc before he was hungry again. Maybe he is going through a growth spurt. I think he got enough to eat during each session because he did not cry afterwards and pulled himself off most of the time. I hope this does not carry into the night tonight.

So far, his favorite books are Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Touch and Feel Kitten. I have read these to him when he is wide awake during the day.

Tomorrow, we were going to have visitors from out of town. They called tonight to cancel because one of their kids had the sniffles. I was appreciative that she called because I don't want to expose Collin to anything that could get him least as long as I can help it.

Chris is off work tomorrow. Should be fun to spend time with the family. :)

1 comment:

grandmaH said...

Glad that the family will be all day together. I like it when Chris takes off. Of course he needs to not take so many naps (haha). Enjoy!! GrandmaH