Saturday, July 30, 2011

Painting with Friends

We spent the entire day at Saige and Linden's house.  I was there to help decorate their big girl's room and paint some new pictures for each of them to hang by their bed.  We rearranged a piece of furniture and it really made a big difference.  Saige noticed it and loved it right away. 

The kids played together really well for the most part.  The girls took an hour nap (shorter than usual) and Collin rested on the couch but never took a nap.  They kept each other entertained while Kristen and I painted two of the five paintings to hang on their walls.  I drew on both of the canvases before we painted.  Each painting included things that the girls really liked.  Linden likes lady bugs and spiders.  Saige likes flowers and butterflies.  Just like girls, right?  There is no way I would have been able paints these at our house because Collin would want me to play with him or otherwise entertain him.  Here are pictures of at least the painting I did while it was in progress. 

Once while we were painting, the kids did their own painting on a large sheet on the floor.  Collin painted a "space ship" and then got mad a Linden for painting near his painting.  They made up to each other and started painting again.  Here he is painting his foot instead of the paper.  He laughed every time he put the brush to his foot because the paint was cold.  I guess he got bored with the paper!

I left for a few hours to practice some lake swimming.  I swam 880 meters before heading back to their house.  Collin initially did not eat dinner.  He sat on my lap after I was almost finished with mine.  He started to eat several pieces of my broccoli.  He then wanted a bite of the buttermilk pie that the others were eating.  He was not interested in it when I gave him at bite.  He barely licked the fork and said he did not like it.  I was at least excited that he ate the broccoli.

Even though he did not take a nap and had a FULL day of play, he still went to bed at his normal time of 9pm.  He was really grouchy and hit me a few times but he did eventually go to bed.  I had to get Daddy's help because I was so tired from the days activities.

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