Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nancy is here!!!!

After celebrating Audrey's birthday party at Pump It Up, we ran some errands and then can home to get ready for Aunt Nancy to come over. She is is in town and spending the night to watch Collin tomorrow because I have a triathlon in the morning. This will be my first pool swim.

Nancy brought Collin an early birthday present. It's a huge pirate ship tent. Collin LOVED playing in it while I cooked dinner. We had fish, roasted potatoes and peas. Yep, Collin only liked the fish. He also really liked the cookie brownie bar. After dinner, Collin and Nancy played together all over the house. Before heading to bed, they watched a little bit of Despicable Me. It was fun to hear Collin. Laugh really hard during certain parts of the movie. Of course, he is still up after 9pm because Nancy is her. He is such a little manipulator still. She cannot push him to get to bed. Good luck Nancy!!!

Race results tomorrow. Must go to bed!

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