Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Neat Freak? - Part 2

I have posted several times that Collin is very particular about certain things or how he focused on what he does.  Remember how he lines his shoes up facing the same direction when he takes them off?  What about needing a cold pillow when he sleeps at night to put between his legs?  Just a few of the MANY things that he is meticulous about. 

Here is a great video that Daddy took today of Collin rolling up his mat at school before he left to gymnastics.  The kids at school use the mat to play on or do school work.  When they are finished, they have to roll the mat up and put it away in the basket before they leave.  I don't recall a time that Collin has had to be asked to do this once he knew this was a requirement.  Here is Collin being careful to roll the mat up perfectly.  Doesn't that just make you laugh?

Too bad he cannot figure out how to put his clothes away in the dirty clothes hamper!!!

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