Monday, July 25, 2011

Conference call and....kisses?

Daddy is out of town so I had to take Collin to school this morning.  Wouldn't you know that I had a conference call also scheduled for 7:45am this morning that I could not reschedule.  That is right in the middle of breakfast and negotiating getting dressed time.  I needed to have Collin eating breakfast while I was on the call so that we could leave after I was finished.  I also wanted to wait him up in time to get him started eating without rushing him.  I knew that he can be slow in the mornings and possibly indecisive about what he wants to eat.

I woke him up at 7:15am.  He was stirring anyway so he was not a "bear" when I woke him up.  He asked for me to lay with him which he does not normally ask me to do.  Here we go....I could not push him to move faster or the pushing back would start.  I did get in his bed and he decided he was ready to get up.  He asked for cereal and I poured it for him.  This morning, he wanted Rice Krispy cereal.  As he was eating, I explained that I will be on my cell phone in the office talking on it for work.  I would be right in the office and not far from him.  I explained that he needed to stay at the kitchen table eating his cereal.  I would be finished soon and then we would go to school.  He told me "I will be quiet Mommy.  Can I kiss you and not talk to you?"  I told him that he could because I knew he would be peeking in on my anyway while I was on my call.

I did not plan for the call to be late.  Ugh!  It started 15 minutes late which meant that we would really need to move it to get to school and for me to also get to work to attend my 9am meeting on time.  The call finally started.  When the phone rang, I told Collin that this was my call and walked into the office area.  Within 5 minutes, Collin was at my arm hugging it.  He then kissed my arm, looked up at me and smiled.  He then left.  Five minutes later, he did it again.  I got another kiss and the sweetest smile.  The put one finger up against his mouth as if to say "shhh", smiled and then left again.

After my call, I told him that I was really proud of him and thanked him for being soooo good during my call.  He smiled and knew that he did good.  He did not want to get dressed but did it eventually quicker than I thought.  In the car, he told me, "Mommy, I guess I love you my sweeite heart".  Awww!!!!  What a sweet little guy.  That made my morning!  We made it to school and I was 5 minutes late to my meeting.  Not bad.....and a wonderful morning with my son.

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