Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MRI Update

Collin's MRI was this afternoon. The doctor ordered this MRI to rule out other reasons that might be the cause of his swollen optic nerve.

Daddy took him and took really good care of him. Since the MRI was to last almost an hour, they needed to sedate him so they had to arrive over an hour before the appointment. Daddy said this was the hardest part. Collin cried and did not want to IV in the back of his hand. I don't blame him. I hate IVs and especially if they are in the back of my hand. Daddy held onto Collin while they were doing this. He said that Collin fell asleep quickly. Here are pictures of him getting his hospital band on and then right after the IV.

After the MRI, Collin woke up easily and told Daddy that he was a big boy and did not cry because of the IV. He was still a little groggy when he said this to him. Here he is just waking up.
As we were told by others, Collin was cranky and not himself on the way home. He was yelling at Daddy that he could buckle himself into his own seat...which he can do but was not doing it quick enough. Once they got home, Collin was acting like he did not just have anesthesia. He was in a great mood and playing hide and seek which he really likes to do these days. He will hide and then tell use to say "Where's Collin?". We then pretend to look for him. He can do this for hours. He was even a little hungry and REALLY thirsty. He was so full of energy that he had a hard time settling down and finally went to sleep a little before 10am.

We should hear the results of the MRI by the end of the week.

1 comment:

Angy said...

I'm really happy to hear Collin was back to himself in no time!!