Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Jacob Did It"

The "stories" have started with Collin. Tonight, I saw that he had a scratch on the side of his cheek and asked him how he got it. The conversation went like this:

Mommy: Collin, how did you get that scratch on your cheek?
Collin: Jacob did it (Jacob is a boy in his new class)
Mommy: Oh, really? What happened?
Collin: He pushed me. Charlotte did too. (She used to be in his other class but he might have seen her on the playground. Maybe he is not stretching the truth....yet)
Mommy: Did the teacher do something about it?
Collin: She pushed me too (wow, we are really not getting anywhere). I didn't cry Mommy. I am a really big boy now.
....few minutes later.....
Collin: I need to sit down because my cheek hurts. Put my pillow over here because my feet hurt too. Mommy, now my throat hurts. (ugh!)

OK, that's it. He liked the attention he was getting. Of course he did. This not the first "stretched truth" he has given before. I can tell it's going to be fun trying to figure out when he is telling the truth or not.

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