Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Any Excuse

These days, Collin will give any excuse he can think of to get out of doing something. He has come up with some really creative ones. Yesterday, I wanted him to put his shoes on so we could meet some friends for dinner. The conversation went like this:

Mommy: "Collin, put your shoes on"
Collin: "I can't. My legs are broken"

Translation: "I don't want to"

He has used this broken leg excuse before. Lots of times, his back hurts so he cannot climb into his bed by himself, his finger has hurt so he cannot pull up his shorts (see a theme here?) or he has chicken stuck in his teeth so he cannot finish brushing his teeth. What an imagination! I really try hard to not either laugh when he says these things or encourage him to continue with the excuses, but it does not seem to deter him much. Actually, I don't think he gave me any tonight.

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