Saturday, August 28, 2010

Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Last night, Collin had his friends, sisters Saige and Linden, come over for pizza, swim and fun. When they got here, Collin and Saige were not too hungry. They would rather play in his playroom instead of eating. I left him so pizza out in case he changed his mind later (which he did not do).

I found out how helpful Collin is. Linden was tyring to figure out the Sit N Spin. He got on and showed her out to do it "See, turn the wheel like this Linden". Then he told her it was here turn. She had a hard time getting on so he tried to help by pushing her on...but that did not work as well as he thought. Then, Saige wanted to ride Collin's new scooter (more on that later) and he showed her how to do it. She did not ever figure it out but did try her best a few times.

The kids were having so much fun playing that we thought they would not be interested in swimming. They ended up in Collin's room because he wanted to show them his "big boy bed". Saige climbed on and started throwing the pillows and blankets off. I knew that she was about to jump because her and Collin do this all the time at her house...but on a couch and not on a bed that is being held up with some plywood. I did tell her that she could not jump on the bed.....and she listened but kept trying a few more times after that. Linden joined in on the action. Instead of just telling them no jumping, their mom and I started to say the "Monkeys jumping on the bed" saying and this worked. They walked on the bed but no more jumping attempts. Then, they started putting puzzles together in his room and Saige finally remembered that it was time to swim.

We swam for about 45 minutes. Collin and Saige practiced putting their face in the water and holding their mouth closed. Saige is a MUCH better swimmer than Collin. He still does not want to put his face in the water but at least he let me take him away from the step area to hold on my arm and kick.

The girls did have to leave because it was there bed time soon. We all had a great time...and the girls mommy, Kristen, loved that they slept in an extra hour the next morning. Hmmm....this might be a weekly event for them. Collin stayed up until almost 10pm and then got up around 7:15am which is his normal time.

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