Saturday, August 14, 2010


You have read about Monkey many, many times. This is Collin's bud and has been since he was around 3 months old. Grandma H bought Monkey during one of our many shopping trips getting ready for Collin's arrival. Who knew out of all of the stuffed animals, small blankets and other "lovies" that Collin would chose Monkey to be "the one". This little guy really started to be his buddy when he broke his leg in Arizona in December 2008. Monkey was there to comfort him after we got back from the emergency room and when he had to take his pain medicine. Monkey was really important to him when we went to the doctor to talk about and get his leg case on. Talk about a TON of noise and commotion for a 15 month old. Monkey did great soothing Collin on the way home...and they have been best buds ever since. When Collin has a tough time going to sleep, give him Monkey and he calms down quicker and then rolls over to fall asleep.
Monkey does not leave the house though so he does not get too dirty or.....more importantly, left somewhere or lost. Mimi has a spare Monkey at her house for when Collin is there and if Monkey were ever to disappear or otherwise need replacing.
This is a picture of Monkey Collin took with my phone. I think he did a great job. Can't you see the love in just the focus of this picture on Monkey? haha

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