Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I want cereal!

This is Collin's response if you ask him what he wants to eat. It does not matter and he does not care if it's not breakfast time when you ask him this question. Try telling him this and he will just repeat his request...."I want cereal". Some mornings, this is the first thing he says instead of "good morning" or "I love you". If you are not moving fast enough to get the cereal, he will open the pantry door and point to the box of cereal that he wants. Lately, it's "the big one" which is Cheerios. He used to like Rice Krispies but he has moved to Cheerios. He also prefers my rice milk to his organic cow's milk. I gave him rice milk one time when we were out of his milk. After he finishes the cereal, then he picks up the bowl and drinks any milk that remains in the bowl. He learned this from Daddy.

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