Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fun at Alex and Ellie's House

This morning through mid-afternoon was a lazy day by Mommy's standards. We did get out to go to the grocery store and to bring Daddy lunch. Otherwise, we stayed in the house because we did do a lot yesterday AND it was a hot one.

Later after Daddy got home, we went to Alex and Ellie's house to play in the water and on there new swing and slide set. A friend of theirs, Kevin, was also over. Collin watched the kids at first but then joined in. He found a basketball and started to throw it at the toddler sized basketball hoop. He did this until the kids started to play on the swings. Eventually, he climbed up the ladder and slid down into the muddy mess below. I was standing too close and got a muddy hug after he got up. He climbed up again and took a long time the next time to slide back down. Alex and Ellie were COVERED in mud and Collin thought this was funny. It was time to get a snack so the kids got hosed down by Mr. Chad.

We went inside for ice cream cake, leftover from their birthday, and to play with their presents that they opened earlier in the week. It was time to go when Collin started to rub his eyes so much he could not stand.

What a great weekend. I am not ready to go to work this week.

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