Sunday, December 26, 2010

"There's a Lady Bug in my Bed"

Collin continues to come up with reasons to not go to bed at night.  He thinks if he does not take a bath, then he does not have to go to bed thinking that bath comes before bed time.  He has already tried the following to not go to bed or for me to stay in his room longer and these don't work anymore:

  • My tummy hurts.  I need medicine.
  • I am coughing so I need a drink
  • I did not give Daddy a hug
  • Mommy, I love you...when I am telling him that this is the last song before I leave for my room.  I guess he thinks I will sing another song or stay longer
I could go on and on with a list of things he has said or done to delay having to go to bed.  Tonight, he used a new one I had not heard.  I was covering him up over and over again because it's 43 degrees outside right now.  He quickly figured out that if he uncovered his legs that I would stay and cover him back up.  The last time he did it, he said, "My legs hurt.  There is a lady bug in there.  Did you see her?  She is biting me and it hurts.  Does that make sense?"  First, what a mouthful.  Second, I guess he gets asked "does that make sense" a lot for him to use that same phrase.  I really did not know how to respond to this one.  I knew that if I did then he would think he "won" with this tactic and continue to use it.  I left the covers off of him because he was in flannel PJs and not cold at the moment.  I would cover him later after he was asleep.  So...I did not respond at all verbally.  I gave him a kiss and a hug and then turned his lamp off.  He was asleep in about 5 minutes. 

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