Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

I had the best birthday today.  First, Collin slept in until after 8am so I got some much needed extra rest. Then, I got to spend the entire day with my boys.  Daddy stayed home from work for my birthday.  This morning, Collin gave me my birthday present.  He walked in with a little bag and told me "Happy Birthday Mommy..I love you" and then handed me the present.  He and Daddy picked out beads from the Trollbead collection and created a bracelet.  I LOVED it.  Later today, I picked out a few more to add to the ones Collin picked out.  I cannot wait to add to it throughout the year.

We ran a few errands this morning and then came home in time for Collin and I to go to the Winter Wonderland party the bird sanctuary was having.  Santa was there so I was hoping that Collin would want to sit on his lap this year.  When we arrived, Collin's buddy, JP, was on Santa's lap with his brothers.  Yeah!  I thought for sure that Collin would want to sit on Santa's lap seeing these boys there.  Nope....I think we stood there a minute too long.  Collin was not interested at all by the time it was our turn.  No worries....we can try again next year.  We then went outside to see what crafts he was interested in doing.  He stopped a the snake bracelet place.  He got to pick the color of the pipe cleaner (pink) and then added beads on it to make the beaded snack.  He was VERY particular about the beads he picked.  He found some that were a different shape than the others and was very excited about finding these. 

After the crafts, we went to see the reptiles on display.  He was fascinated with the turtle but did not want to touch it.  He also liked looking at the Walking Sticks, beetles and the Milk Snake.  He did finally touch the snake.  We hung out by the reptiles for at least 20 minutes.  I was getting tired standing there but he was loving it. 

Eventually, we left and walked around the pond looking for frogs and turtles.  After not finding any, he wanted to go fishing in the front pond.  He LOVED this and wanted to show me everything he caught in his net.  He did not catch anything alive (phew!) but caught lots of leaves, sticks and other vegetation in the pond. 

We went home to rest.  Daddy gave me another present, a blue North Face jacket.  We looked a these when we were in Seattle.  I love the color and cannot wait to wear it.  I was getting hungry and wanted Mexican food so we went to Escalantes near the house.  Collin takes after his Mommy and chowed down on the queso and chips.  Maybe that's because I had a ton of the stuff when I was pregnant with him.....just maybe.  After dinner, Daddy had the fabulous idea to drive around and look at lights.  We went to a neighborhood that, for 35 years, had required all of the homeowners to put up lights for Christmas.  Each street competes with the other.  Collin fun yelling out "CANDY CANE" whenever he saw the candy canes.  He also sang a lot of his songs that he learned from school for his Christmas program.  I loved listening to him sing.  He did get stuck on one verse of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" old after awhile. 

I had a fabulous day with my boys today.  Thanks for a wonderful birthday!

1 comment:

Angy said...

I love the braclet! It's beautiful! Sounds like you had a fabulous bday!