Friday, December 17, 2010

"Mommy, look at my skid mark" and other funny things Collin said today

Collin had my laughing or smiling most of the afternoon after I picked him up from school today.  We came home to have a snack and wait for Daddy to get home.  I wanted to wrap Daddy's presents before he came home so I had Collin help me.  He announced he needed to go poo-poo so off we ran to the nearest potty.  He sat, did his thing, stood up and was so proud of what he saw.  He said, "Mommy!!!  Look at my skid mark.  It's just like Daddy's".  He was so proud of himself.  I am sure that Daddy would have been proud of the mark he left. 

After he finished, he sat on the couch to finish his snack of cheese and strawberries.  He wanted me to help him with something on the table.  I heard his stomach make a noise and he said to me, "Did you hear my stomach growl?  I must need some more cheese Mommy".  Indeed, he did.

Later that night, we went to dinner with the neighbors.  Daddy happened to be outside as they were leaving.  They invited us to join them for Mexican food.  It's hard to pass on Mexican food so we did join them.  We were crazy though since that meant four boys under seven.  They were really good...for boys and being past most of their bedtimes.  At one point, Collin and JP (the youngest) started to sing Jingle Bells.  Their version went like this:

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the Day
Oh much fun it is to ride
In a one horse orken sleigh

The people around us were smiling at the little ones getting into the Christmas spirit.  I was too because I had not heard this version of Jingle Bells before.

As I was addressing a few Christmas cards tonight, Collin came into the office and told me, "I  just remembered that I did not give you a kiss or a hug today".  Then he reached up to give me the best kiss and hug I had all day.  I love that little guy.....even if he took until 10:45pm to go to bed tonight.  He was so wound up from dinner with his friends.

Here is one from Mimi when she picked him up Thursday:

I knew Collin sang Jingle Bells song so I started the Better not Cry one and Collin insisted on finishing it himself while we were on our way to his house.  Also along the way home, Collin said his house was white and brick so the wolf would not blow it down (as in 3 little pigs that I read to him).

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