Sunday, December 5, 2010

Collin, the Hypocondriac

Collin LOVES to take medicine.  I should be happy that it's not a fight to get him to take medicine when he really needs it.  However, when he needs it is the problem.  For example, this morning, I was getting ready for the day in my bathroom.  He was "helping" me by looking through the stuff in Daddy's cabinet.  He found an adult-sized medicine cup used to drink medicine.  This is his favorite way to take medicine.  He found the adult medicine it went to and wanted to take some (I was watching this the entire time).  I told him that he did not need any because he was not sick.  He then started to cough and this is what happened next:

Mommy: "The medicine is not for coughing"
Collin: "What's it for then?"
Mommy: "It's for tummy aches and your tummy is not hurting"
Collin:  "Yes it is" saying this as he pats his tummy.  "And my heart hurts"
Mommy:  "You don't need to take this medicine now"
Collin:  "Yes I do.  I am coughing and everything hurts"

I was not sure how long this was going to go until I was rescued by a ball Collin found on the ground.  He quickly forgot about the medicine.

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