Friday, December 10, 2010

Collin's Winter Program at School

This morning, Collin had his Winter Program at school were they sang several songs for the parents.  I was unable to attend because I was teaching a class all day at work.  However, Daddy was there and took a video so I could see if Collin participated this year.  If you recall, he was not interested at all last year in singing any song and wanted to sit in my lap the entire time.  I was not sure what he would do this year.  He is a year older and has more confidence.  He also has been singing the songs at home so I know that he knows the songs.  What was he going to do this morning?  Well, he did stand with the rest of his classmates but was very focused on his friend and holding her hand.  Apparently, she really likes him but she is just a friend to him.  Daddy is proud because Collin is already a hit with the ladies.  Go Collin go!

1 comment:

Angy said...

Looks like Collin was having a really good time!