Monday, December 20, 2010

"Mommy, your hair is bootiful"

I was putting Collin to bed last night and he asked to be rocked.  He was having a rough night going to bed already.   I am sure it's because he had so much fun at the bike shop Christmas party that night...and the Coke he was drinking (note: no more caffeine for Collin after 5pm).  So, it was 11pm and he was still awake.  I would rock him if that's what it took.  The Christmas lights in his room were still on so he could see me and my hair.  He sat up on my lap, looked at my face and started to stroke my hair by my ear.  He announced, "Mommy, I like your hair.  Your hair is bootiful".  I told him thank you and asked why he thought it was beautiful.  He said, "I like it when it looks like this and is not in the back in the pony tail and up like this" and she shows me what he is talking about.  He gathered my hair in the back and pulled it up and then he said, "like this...this is a pony tail Mommy".

First, I could tell that he was not going to bed anytime soon and, second, my son just told me, like his Daddy, that he likes my hair down and not in a pony tail.  I think he likes to run his fingers through my hair....which I don't mind at all.

He did finally go to bed after 12:15am.  Daddy had to come in and rescue me so I could get some sleep.  Thanks Daddy!!!

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