Sunday, December 1, 2013

We Love Burke!

Burke is really settling in with the family.  Besides not eating but once a day, he is doing great.  We had our entire family over for Thanksgiving all day long.  Burke was in and out of the house and loved having the people around.  He was REALLY well behaved with the kids.  He did not bother them much at all.  I thought for sure one of them would get knocked over but that did not happen....or I did not hear about it.  He did not jump on anyone either.  He mainly laid around or followed Daddy where ever he went.  Later in the day, he did end up chewing and breaking Leah's pacifier.  She found it and came walking down the stairs crying really bad.  Good thing I had another pacifier for her to pick from.  She was fine after that.  Later, I did find out that he chewed up a few little toys that Collin was not worried about.

Collin is getting to know Burke and is really comfortable around him.  He usually wants him in the same room where he is unless he is in his playroom upstairs because he is afraid of Burke chewing his toys.  He loves for him to lick his nose or his feet....makes him laugh.  He does get irritated and a little afraid of Burke when he wants to play and pushes on Collin to play back with him.  Since they both weigh about the same, Burke has pushed Collin over a few times which Collin did not like. 

Burke loves to look out the window.  Collin is usually right there with him.

Not sure how Burke feels about this position but he never tries to get out of it.

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