Friday, December 20, 2013

First Professional Hair Cut

Either I or Grandma H have been cutting Collin's hair since his first hair cut.  His hair grows fast so it needs to be cut every six weeks, especially the bangs because he likes to keep these long.  Up until the last two times I cut his hair, he was really good about sitting still the entire time I was cutting his hair.  The last times were terrible and very stressful so I let him know that I was done cutting his hair. 

This afternoon, he got his hair cut for the first time by a professional.  When I told him what we were doing, he was not happy at all.  I pulled up into the parking spot that was facing the hair cut place and he announced that his tummy really hurt bad and started to cry.  I asked him where it hurt and what did he think caused it.  He did not know.  So, I got him out of the car and went into the hair cut place. 

He still had a "tummy ache" but I could tell that this ache was because he did not want to be there.  He saw video games and went over to start playing with one of them.  I talked to him about how he could watch a movie and get his hair cut.  He eventually was agreeable to this and picked out Turbo to watch.

Instead of a regular chair, he wanted to sit in the car while getting his hair cut.  The hair stylist sprayed water on his hair and combed it out.  The look on Colin's face was as if he were saying, "OK, fine, I like it when you cut my hair." 

He did sit still the entire time and let her cut his hair.  I could see him checking out his hair in the mirror as she cut it.  He did tell me that he wanted his front to be long so I know he was checking that out.  Towards the end, he let us know that he really liked the place and wanted to come back.  Well, I figured he would say that!

After she was finished, he did not want to go.  We stayed for another 20 minutes so he could watch more of the movie.  He did say that he liked his hair cut...and I got a hug.

Wetting his hair to get ready for the cut

Look at that face in the mirror.  He is either focused or not happy to be there..or both.

Looking in the mirror to check out her work

What a set up to get a hair cut

All finished!  Does he like it or not?

Handsome boy!

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