Sunday, December 29, 2013

Burke's Mat

Instead of buying a mat to go under Burke's food and water, Collin and I decided to make him one.  We started with a large piece of paper that we have been using on the table under his home art projects.  I let Collin decide what he wanted to draw on the mat.  He thought and thought about it and then decided he wanted to draw a rainbow.  He had me call out what color on the rainbow was next and then he would color it.  I drew and colored Burke's name but Collin did tell me what color I was to use. 

We then went to a place that laminated the paper.  I explained what they were going to do to the paper and he did not quite understand so I held him up so he could watch what was happening.  He did NOT like that the paper was disappearing into the huge machine.  However, when the lady brought the finished product over to us, he loved what he saw and wanted to carry it to the car.  It was sprinkling a little and he said "this mat will not get wet because it has the shiny stuff on it now". 

I must say that the mat works really well and catches most of the water Burke spills on the side of his bowl. 

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