Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend -Day 2

On our second day, we spent the morning at Grandma H's house. Collin spent time playing with his toys. He also went outside to show Grandma H how he can ride his bike....with training wheels still but he is confident on the bike and goes really fast. He needs to remember how to use the breaks before he can learn to ride without training wheels.

After naps for Grandma H and Daddy, we went to see Aunt Darlene and Uncle Mark. They have a new house we have not seen yet. Their backyard is several acres with lots of trees. Collin wanted to explore really bad but Mark said there were lots of snakes and tarantulas out there. Yikes! Mommy encouraged Collin to stay on the porch with her. Two cousins came over so their mommy could go to a wedding. Collin followed Kendall around. She is 8. Brycen was fun too but Kendall paid more attention to Collin.

We stayed a few hours and then went to see cousins on Daddy's side of the family. Collin and I took a trip to see them over the New Year holiday so he was excited about seeing them again. He kept saying, "We are going to see Ben, Will and.... What's that girl's name?". It was a nice evening so the kids played outside on the swings or played catch. Collin tried to hit a few balls. He missed but made a good effort. Will did hit the ball when I pitched it....straight into my stomach. They all thought that was funny.

We ate hamburgers, watermelon and cherry dessert with ice cream. For some reason, Hollis thought it was someone's birthday because there was dessert and because we were using birthday napkins. We asked who's birthday it was. She pointed to Daddy and said it was Crystal's birthday. We thought that was hysterical and called him Crystal the reason of the night. We even let him blow out a candle on the dessert before we ate it.

We knew the kids were having fun because there was a lot of laughter and running in the house. At one point, it was so quiet, we stopped talking to see what they were doing. They were all in the backyard playing with the toys. One time, I caught them throwing socks from the top of the stairs to try and hit Will. They were all laughing so hard that it was hard for me to put a stop to it. By the end of day, Collin knew all of the kid's names and did not want to leave Ben, Will and especially Hollis.

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