Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden Helper

Sunday, I told Collin and Daddy that I was going outside for a bit to work in the yard.  Collin had no idea what this meant but followed me and said "I want to help you".  He had his Batman cape on (which is a frequent occurrence these days) so I said that Batman can help me pull weeds.  I got two plastic bags for us to carry and use while we were pulling weeds.  I started along the driveway and fence area.  I showed Collin the different between weeds and a plant that I wanted to keep in the ground....the entire time thinking to myself that I might lose some plants in this "helping exercise" but that was OK.  I was happy to have my little guy with me.  I told him to pull the tiny weeds and I would get the bigger ones.  At first, he questioned every plant/weed he saw asking me, "Is this a weed?".  If I replied "yes", he then would pull it and put it in his bag. 

I thought he would get tired or bored of this in about 5 minutes but he didn't.  He hung with me for almost 45 minutes doing a fantastic job of pulling only weeds and getting most of the weed when he pulled it.  He was very clean about it putting the weed in his bag.  We had to empty the bags a few times in the larger garbage can which he wanted to also help with.  We moved from the fence to the backyard.  I loved hearing him tell me were he saw weeds and what size they were.  "Over here mom!! Here is a big one for you", "You can get these weeds over here.  I am going over here to get these weeds" or "These are really tiny weeds Mommy".  He even helped me water the potted plants.  We water these every other day these days because it's getting really hot out.  He has is own watering can....which I cannot use because "that one is mine Mommy".  But of course, Collin.

We did have to stop and take his cap off because it was getting too hot.  Black cap plus summer sun does not equal cool.  :)  He also needed a short break for a drink of "black apple juice" which is his favorite these days.  This is not apple juice but either pomegranate blueberry, blueberry or some other dark juice.

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