Sunday, May 1, 2011

Catching Up

It's been so crazy the last few months with tax busy season and training for my first triathlon that I have not had time to post some general things about Collin.  A lot of these are for Grandma H so that she can keep up with what her little 3-year old grandson has been up to:


"Hey guys" - he says this a lot when he is trying to get your attention.  It works because I cannot resist hearing what he has to say.

"Are you proud of me?" - he has been using this one a lot lately.  To help him understand that he does things he should not do, I have told him that I am not proud of him during the time that he is doing something that he should not being rude to someone, not sharing his toys, or yelling at Daddy. I don't use it all of the time but, when I do, he knows that I am not happy with him and he does stop doing what he is doing.  Now, he will be doing something that he knows he should not be, does it and then looks at me to ask "Mommy, are you proud of me?"  I do answer him honestly knowing that this might upset him.  I take the opportunity to tell him why I might not have been proud of him ..... and he does seem to understand.

"1, 2, 3, 4, ... FART!" - I think I have already mentioned this one.  He is counting everything these days.  He is still fascinated with bodily functions (I do realize this will last until he is an adult...or even all of his life based on the family he is a part of).  Combining the two, he likes to substitute the letter "5" for fart whenever he is counting.  Why not?  He does get a reaction when he does this.

"I guess I love you" - he will randomly say this when he is eating, playing or riding in the car.  He says this followed by a big smile.  I try telling him what "guess" means and ask him why he includes "guess" in his phrase.  He just looks at me as if he does not have a clue what I am talking about.


He still does not like to go to bed and will do what he can or find an excuse to delay the entire process.

Pull Ups - he still wears these at night.  Based on some questions he asks or statements he makes, he really does want to not wear them but knows that he does because he does pee pee in them in the middle of the night.  Every morning now, he announces either "I did not pee pee in them" or "I did not pee pee much in them" to let us know the condition of his Pull Up.  Most of the time, he is soaked and we are glad he had a diaper and not underwear on during the night.  He is wet in the morning for two main reasons:  1) he drinks fluids continuously all day long...including close to bed time.  Very easy to say that he should just not drink that close to bedtime....easier said than done.  We let him know that if he does drink before bed, he will have a wet diaper and not get to wear underwear to bed anytime soon.  Sometimes, he does think about this statement but diapers win out because he wants his water.  2) he is a DEEP sleeper like is Daddy.  He sleeps so deep that he snores most nights.  It does not matter if he had a cold or not....he is snoring.  This is not a cute little boy snore either.  He is LOUD.  I can hear him easily through the monitor.

Grinds his teeth - like is Mommy and Aunt, he grinds his teeth several nights a week.  If he does, he does this right as he is falling to sleep or when he stirs to change positions.  The dentist and what I have read say that this is very common for kids his age and that he will likely grow out of this by the time he is 6.  I sure hope so because the sound is hard to take.  He does not wake up when he is doing this so that's good.

PJs and Pillows - he continues to want to sleep in his "soft" PJs which are his long-sleeved flannel ones. Yes, it's already in the 90s here during the day and 70s at night.  He does not care....he wants his soft PJs.  He is very upset to find out that either the bottoms or the tops are dirty towards the end of the week (and closer to the time to do laundry) because he wants to wear these....and prefers not to substitute for even long pants that are not flannel.  "They are not soft Mommy."  He also still sleeps with his pal Monkey (that is holding up really well still) and a "cold, cold pillow".  He takes the pillow and puts it between his legs when he turns sideways to fall asleep.  Both Mommy and Daddy sleep this way.  We never said it's because the pillow is cold so I am not sure where he got this from.


Breakfast still continues to be his biggest meal.  The kid can put away the mini-powdered donuts if you let him.  I think he has eaten 8 at breakfast before and wanted more.  He favs are: cereal with "Mommy milk" which is soy milk, donuts, eggs with ketchup and waffles.

He used to prefer just juice but now asks for water a lot more.  This really makes Mommy happy because I don't want him to fill up on all of the sugar (even though I do buy reduced sugar, organic juice.  He does not drink milk much.  His favorite juice right now is not apple juice anymore but "black juice" which is blueberry pomegranate.  He drinks only water after it's dark outside.  He loves to drink tea or diet coke when we are eating out.  Yep, that's my fault because those are my preferred beverages of choice...mainly for the caffeine these days.

He still does not like veggies.  He at least loves fruit and does not mainly eat bread and cheese like he used to.  He also does not request typical toddler food while we are out eating: mac and cheese, hot dog or chicken nuggets.  He turns his nose up to these.  He likes quesadillas, chicken, hamburgers (LOVES these) and sandwiches.  He likes to have raisins, cut cheese, cut apple slices, peanut butter crackers and other fruit for snacks.  He does not ask for candy.  He does eat it if another friend is eating some but we don't have it in the house, that his is aware of {wink, wink} so he does not eat it at home.


He continues to be a little jokester and loves to make people laugh.  An example was from this morning.  He just saw baby Leah yesterday so maybe this is where he got the idea.  I was getting dressed this morning to go to the grocery store with him.  I heard him ask me where Monkey was and this is what I saw: 

He told me that "Monkey is in my baby Leah was".

Being a Boy

He LOVES to run.....and not just outside.  We will be about to walk down the hall of the house together and he will stop me with his hand and say, "ready, set, go!" and then run down the hall to race me.  If we are outside, he wants to race me or anyone else he is around.  Daddy says that when he picks Collin up from school and it's recess time, Collin is easy to spot because....yep, he is running....and he is one of the only blondes in the group.

He loves playing with his cars, trains, digging in the dirt in our backyard and riding his bike.  He gets sweaty easily because he plays really hard when he does play.

He still loves to play "Where is Collin?" (hide-and-seek) which he has been playing since before he was one year old.  He does this almost every time I am in our bathroom getting ready for the day.  He hides in our closet in the back or at least behind our clothes and tells me to look for him.  Of course, I know where to find him by his voice.

I look forward to many, many more years of enjoying life with my little boy.  I love you Collin!

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