Saturday, February 12, 2011

The zoo with a new friend and then.......Supercross!!!!

It was a REALLY nice day compared to the last several weeks because it was finally warming up and the sun was out. was a great day to go to the zoo with a new friend....Ethan and his mom, Lisa.  We met both of them at the New Year's Eve party at Ella's house.  Collin and Ethan hung out a lot that night so we thought it would be fun for both of them to get together for a morning at the zoo.  They boys instantly hit it off.  As soon as we got through the gate to the zoo, the boys took off running....but at least together.  Collin hollered out to Ethan to look at the birds which they both did.  Then, we checked out the seals.  I did not think we would ever leave the seals....but then I had the same thought with the elephants.  Collin brought his plastic elephant he got from Santa with us this morning so he HAD to see the elephants.  There was a baby one and Collin really liked seeing him. 

We then went through the new African Safari area.  I was excited about seeing it but was not impressed at all while going through it....neither were the boys because they did not stop long at each exhibit.  We ended up at the side of the Children's zoo at the carousel.  That was not a dumb plan on the zoo designer's part to put it there because both boys instantly saw the carousel and wanted to ride on it.  Collin choose a gorilla after thinking about getting on the giraffe.  Doesn't he look like he is having a good time?
After the ride, we stopped to have ANOTHER snack.  They both had one 45 minutes before that.  I guess running around and looking at the animals makes you really hungry and thirsty.  We then looked at a few of the monkeys and then ended back up at the seals again.  Collin has not been that interested in them before but sure was today.  Here is Collin on the seal statue by the exhibit.  Today was the first time that he had to climb on all of the statues that he saw....and he saw several.
After the zoo, we had lunch which took WAY too long.  This was one of the times that he wanted to go to the bathroom five times within 45 minutes.  He only had to go pee one of the times.  The other times, he did not even make it into the stall.  He does not like to poop in the public restrooms and that was what was going on.  We did finally leave the restaurant even though he was not finished eating because Daddy was waiting on us.  Collin only made it 10 minutes until he passed out cleaning his elephant with a wipee.  
Daddy took Collin home while I ran some errands (got Aunt Lisa some gifts for her baby shower tomorrow) so they could both rest up for tonight.  We were going to watch Supercross.  Collin LOVED it so much that he did not want to leave.  He watched every race and was even able to find the leader.  He commented on a few of the crashes and was impatient between the races.  Every time I looked over at him, he was focus on the race.  He did NOT want to leave when it was time to go.  I was shocked when he did not fall asleep on the way home.  It did not take him long to fall asleep once he was in bed though.  Whew!  I was way too tired to deal with a crying, stubborn 3 year old tonight.

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