Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Shower for Collin's newest cousin, Leah

After presents,  we had cupcakes.  Collin said he wanted one but does not usually eat but two or three bites.  I was shocked that he did eat the entire thing.  Instead of eating it with his hands, he wanted a fork so he could cut it in pieces first.  Timmy was next to him diving into his cupcake and not using his hands at all.  I was too funny to watch the different cup cake eating methods by these toddlers.

After he finished, Collin told Lisa's father-in-law, Mark, about our trip to the zoo yesterday. He told him about the monkeys and the seals.  I guess he DID have a good time if he remember it the next day enough to tell someone he is not too familiar with about it.  Before we left, he hug everyone he could find in the room and gave Lisa, Timmy and Amy (one of the hostesses) and kiss.  What a friendly little dude.  I was happy to see that he is friendly because he has NOT been too nice to Mommy and Daddy the last few days.  We are hoping this is just a phase.  Please......just a phase!

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