Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gymnastics - Collin Loves It

Collin did really good in Gymnastics again this afternoon.  He is following directions well and focuses on what the teacher tells him to do.  When I got home, he wanted to show me what he learned.  Today, he did:
  • cartwheels
  • push ups
  • tumbling - he is REALLY good at this
  • hopping
  • jumping on the trampoline
  • sit ups - he calls them "ring the bell with your feet under the green mat".  Could you visualize that one?
Maybe we have found an activity that Collin is both interested in and really good at.  Way to go Daddy for signing him up for this and taking him.

Here are two videos of him tonight.  One of them is him jumping on the trampoline with his hands in the air while moving forward.  This is a really good test of his coordination.  The other one is of him jumping on each side of a line of tape.  he is suppose to move forward while doing this but did quite figure that one out yet.  Maybe next time.

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