Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Just 5 More Minutes"

This is a common phrase for Collin these days.  He uses it when he wants to continue to watch a show on TV, when requesting to stay in the tub a little longer or when he wants me to stay in his room after reading him books at bedtime for just a few examples.  He even negotiates the 5 minutes.  I will say, "How about 2 minutes and then we can..... (fill in the blanks)".  He replies with "I need 5 more minutes" while holding up 5 fingers.

I asked him if he knew how long 5 minutes was.  Of course, he does not have a clue.  I will wait the 5 requested minutes and then tell him that 5 minutes is up. He does not care because he replies "5 more minutes Mommy".  I explain that 5 minutes will be 5 songs playing on the CD (he still likes to have music playing while he is trying to fall asleep).  I will count the songs as the play explaining how long 5 minutes really is.  He is not interested in this and only interested in me staying longer in his room with him.  Smart kid.....

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