Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Drama King?

If there is such a thing as a Drama King, Collin is a good example of one.  Some examples are:
  • He still screams and cries when we wash his hair.  The neighbors probably think we are hurting him.  Thanks goodness we have new, double-paned windows installed.  :)
  • When I start to read him books or am in the process of picking them out, if he does not like the selection or wants to add more than I want to read, he typically starts to pout and say "You never read books to me".  Huh, were are you when I am reading the books every night?
  • The "You never....." can apply to anything he is currently bargining with us to do but we won't let him for one reason or another.  He is so deprived.  I do feel sorry for him.
  • When he is exhausted, he is on edge so EVERYTHING makes him cry.  It does not help when I am tired too.....and want to cry......can you tell that the tax busy season has started?
  • After coughing from crying so hard, he announces, "I need medicine".  He does not like the answer that he does not need it and that starts the announcement and crying again.

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