Saturday, February 26, 2011

"I'm Frustrated"

Collin learned what it meant to feel frustrated from me this week. Daddy was out of town and I have started my tax busy season which means my hours have started to ramp up a bit.  Mimi could not help much because she had to keep Timmy so Aunt Lisa could get her rest.  There was one day this past week that was TERRIBLE for me because every electronic I touched was not working properly or had died.  This was especially bad timing because I needed to electronically send some tax returns to a client.  Collin could tell that I was not in a good mood.  I kept telling him that I was not mad at him but was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  He then said "like the boy in my book?"  If you don't know that book, here is a picture of it. 
In the book, Alexander had a really bad day.  Everything he touched or did turned out not in his favor.  That was the kind of day I was having.  I told Collin that I was just frustrated that the computer was not working.  He told me that he was frustrated too.  This helped make me laugh a little.....but the electronics did not work so I continued to be frustrated.  

The next day, I was not listening to him when he wanted me to.  He told me "Mommy, I am frustrated."  I asked him why and he told me "because you are not listening to me when I talk to you" I listened and then he told me "I am not frustrated with you anymore Mommy.  Are you having a good day?"  I love my caring little guy.  Yes, I was having a MUCH better day and very happy that I had this little guy in my life.

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