Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gymnastics = Fun and Tae Kwon Do = No

It's hard to tell if Collin likes Tae Kwon Do or not.  Do you think when he tells you "Tell Daddy to not pay for Tae Kwon Do anymore" that it's because he does not like it?  Or....that he does not participate in the class until the sensei gets there because he is not interested?  We paid for the month, so he will be going at least that long.

On the other hand, Collin is REALLY enjoying his gymnastics class.  I finally got to see him in class this past Wednesday.  We got there a little early so he was able to see the other students with the instructors.  He wanted to watch them tumble or do what they were doing instead of playing with the little boy that was standing next to tim and in his class.  Once class was ready to start, so was Collin.  He did great listening to the teachers and participating where they wanted him too.  He has a little trouble with the obstacle course when he had to tumble after jumping up on a soft platform.  The teacher had to help him do this every time.  He would look over at me a few times as if to "check in" and make sure I was watching.  Here he is on the balance beams having to move sideways and then walk backwards.  As you can see, he does need to work on his balance.

1 comment:

Angy said...

I love the video that's really cute!!