Sunday, February 20, 2011

"I Want Donuts"

After Collin had 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast, he announced he was still hungry. I thought he might be a little hungry since he can usually eat at least 3 eggs at a time. I wanted to finish eating another bite or two of my homemade breakfast sandwich before I got up to see what else he would be interested in eating. Apparently, I took a little too long for him because this is what I saw when I stepped into the kitchen (glad I had just put my iPhone on me so I could catch him in the act):

He ended up eating at least 6 small white powdered donuts......once I got him off the counter.  There might have been more but this is what I saw (he was eating them as fast as he could take them out of the bag). 

I was surprised later for lunch that he continued to shock me by eating an entire small cheese pizza at CPK.  He generally has at least one good meal a day but not two.  It did not stop there.  He ate 5 chicken nuggets and some beans.  It was a fight to get him to eat the beans until Daddy told him that they would make him fart if he at them.  That did it.  He ate 2 - 3 bites of the beans.....and did fart about 5 minutes later.  He was so proud of himself.

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